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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Refurbishment of Existing Building toward a Surplus Energy Building in Jordan


Medium: Fachartikel
Sprache(n): Englisch
Veröffentlicht in: The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal, , n. 1, v. 16
DOI: 10.2174/18748368-v16-e2208150


Energy consumption rates in residential buildings rely heavily on the modularity of construction.


Traditional building models in Jordan are considered the dominant models in which modern technology is not taken into account in building in order to reduce energy consumption. Recently, interest in modern construction schemes has appeared in Jordan with the intention of saving energy because of its high costs. The objective of this research is to help convert a building in Amman into one that generates more energy than it needs in what is known as surplus energy buildings.Several retrofit systems were considered for this purpose, including insulation, water heating, lighting, air recycling, and photovoltaic systems. This work was handled through a detailed calculation based on the basic fundamental of each subsystem used in the refurbishment process. Using refurbishing techniques, the estimated payback period was found 5.08 years for all integrated systems.


The work started with a closer look at the reality of energy use in the residential sector based on the reports provided by the Ministry of Energy and the National Electricity and Energy Company.


Afterward, the study sample was decided to be home in the city of Amman - Jordan, then several suggestions for improving and verifying ways to conserve energy were discussed.

Copyright: © 2022 Saad S. Alrwashdeh, Handri Ammari, Yazeed S. Jweihan, Jenan Abu Qadourah, Mazen J. Al-Kheetan, Ala’a M. Al-Falahat

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