Pasarela de peatones sobre el río Duero, en Almanzán (Soria)
Autor(en): |
José Maria de Villar Luengo
Medium: | Fachartikel |
Sprache(n): | Englisch, Spanisch |
Veröffentlicht in: | Hormigón y acero, 3. Quartal 1991, n. 180, v. 42 |
Seite(n): | 69-74 |
Abstrakt: |
Footbridge over the Duero river, in Almanzán (Soria)This paper describes the footbridge over Duero river, in Almazán (Soria). Its total length is 173 m distributed in six spans: the four central ones are 35 m long and the two side ones are 15 and 18 m long. Deck developes stress-ribbon tipology. It is 25 cm deep, with two tendons anchored in the abutments. A slenderness of 1/140 is obtained. The deck is formed by precast slabs which are placed directly on the tendons. Some joints are left between them and later filled with concrete. The piers have V-form, with four arms joined superiorly by a circular slab, and in their low end they come together and join the foundations by a plastic hinge. The abutments are anchored to the ground in order to balance the tension transmited by the deck. |
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