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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


A Multi-Player Framework for Sustainable Traffic Optimization in the Era of Digital Transportation


Medium: Fachartikel
Sprache(n): Englisch
Veröffentlicht in: Infrastructures, , n. 1, v. 10
Seite(n): 6
DOI: 10.3390/infrastructures10010006

Nowadays, traffic management challenges in the era of digital transport are rising, as the interactions of various stakeholders providing such technologies play a pivotal role in shaping traffic dynamics. The objective of this paper was to present a game-theory-based framework for modeling and optimizing urban traffic in road networks, considering the co-existence and interactions of different players composed of drivers of conventional vehicles, central governing authorities with traffic management capabilities, and competitive or cooperative connected mobility private service providers. The scope of this work was to explore and present the outcomes of diverse mixed equilibrium conditions in the road network of the city of Thessaloniki (Greece), integrating the principles of user equilibrium, system optimum, and Cournot oligopoly. The impacts of varying network attributes were systematically analyzed to provide quantitative indicators representing the overall network performance. Analysis of the results provided insights into the sensitivity and the resilience of the road network under various prevalence schemes of drivers of conventional vehicles, representing the user equilibrium characteristics, or drivers relying on traffic guidance provided by a central governing authority, representing the system optimum principles as well as the cooperation and competition schemes of private connected mobility providers with certain market shares in the network.

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