Micro–Macro-Analysis and Model Derivation of Electrical Resistivity of Ningxia Cement–Loess
Autor(en): |
Zhijia Xue
Qiquan Deng Jianqiang Gao Ying Zhang Ziwei Zhang Changgen Yan Jie Wang Fangyuan Han Longshan Li Yongzhi Ma |
Medium: | Fachartikel |
Sprache(n): | Englisch |
Veröffentlicht in: | Buildings, 8 Oktober 2024, n. 10, v. 14 |
Seite(n): | 3265 |
DOI: | 10.3390/buildings14103265 |
Abstrakt: |
In recent years, highway infrastructure in the Ningxia region of China has rapidly advanced. Cement–loess is extensively utilized in the roadbed and foundation reinforcement. It is necessary to conduct micro–macro-analysis and model derivation of the electrical resistivity on Ningxia cement–loess, which are beneficial for both the practical application of electrical resistivity and the evaluation of the geotechnical properties of cement–loess. Therefore, a series of electrical resistivity measurements, microstructural observations (scanning electron microscopy), mineral analyses (thermogravimetric analysis), and theoretical analyses were adopted on the cement–loess. The following conclusions can be drawn: The electrical resistivity is negatively related to dry density and water content, while it is positively related to cement dosage and curing age. A cement dosage of 6% exhibits a lower hydration reaction potential compared to 12%, causing a slower increase in electrical resistivity. The formation of calcium silicate gel around particles results in particle clustering and pore filling, reducing the pore area and increasing electrical resistivity. Increased hydration also decreases microscopic orientation, contributing to a higher electrical resistivity of cement–loess. Finally, a new three-dimensional electrical resistivity model was created, finding that the electrical resistivity of Ningxia cement–loess was determined by the dry density, water content (ρd·w), cement dosage, and curing age (aw·T) in an exponential function form. The new three-dimensional electrical resistivity model could be used in the high-efficiency evaluation of the cement–loess geotechnical parameter, offering valuable insights for the monitoring and maintenance of road infrastructure. |
Copyright: | © 2024 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. |
Lizenz: | Dieses Werk wurde unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz Namensnennung 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0) veröffentlicht und darf unter den Lizenzbedinungen vervielfältigt, verbreitet, öffentlich zugänglich gemacht, sowie abgewandelt und bearbeitet werden. Dabei muss der Urheber bzw. Rechteinhaber genannt und die Lizenzbedingungen eingehalten werden. |
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