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Failure Mechanism and Kinematics of the Deadly September 28th 2016 Sucun Landslide, Suichang, Zhejiang, China


Medium: Fachartikel
Sprache(n): Englisch
Veröffentlicht in: Advances in Civil Engineering, , v. 2020
Seite(n): 1-15
DOI: 10.1155/2020/8828819

The formation and dynamic process analysis of the rockslide avalanche in mountainous areas are one of the consequences of the catastrophic accident. Such loose accumulation in upslope may saturate partially or completely when the stability of their accumulation dam is distributed or affected by rainfall. We present a case study with respect to the southern Wuyi Mountain located in eastern China, where the wet and rainy climate has led to dozens of similar rockslide hazards. The purpose of this paper was to analyse the mechanism and dynamic characteristics of the rockslide influenced by the same geological conditions and to predict the outburst susceptibility of similar landslides in the future. Detail field surveys, 3D laser scanning, and high-density electrical methods were used to collect the geotechnical information of the complex landslide, to identify the discontinuity between the landslide material and the bedrock, and to investigate the deformation characterization and dynamic process of the rockslide. Based on remote sensing interpretation and field investigation of the deformation process of a landslide in different times and different parts, the background, mechanism, and cause of the landslide were demonstrated. The landslide is controlled by the characteristics of the geological structure, including collapse, circular sliding, plane sliding, and debris flow. In addition, there are rock avalanches on the rear edge of the slope subjected to the combined action of rainfall and gravity. Moreover, there are some resistance anomaly areas of the aquifer and soil between 2 and 50 m where the resistivity is less than 120 ohm-m, and they were deduced to be full of water, confirming a “bathtub” type structure. The mechanism of the catastrophic landslide was a combination of the upper pushing deformation induced by rainfall line uplift and rotational; due to the ancient landslide reactivation in the transposition area, the velocity of the rockslide reached 40.11 m/s.

Copyright: © Hai Tian et al.

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