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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Fabricación digital de maquetas para la mejora de la interpretación cartográfica y el fomento de la competencia creativa = Digital manufacturing of 3D DTM models to enhance cartographic interpretation & creative competence


Medium: Fachartikel
Sprache(n): Englisch, Spanisch
Veröffentlicht in: Advances in Building Education / Innovación Educativa en la Edificación, , n. 1, v. 1
Seite(n): 11
DOI: 10.20868/abe.2017.1.3506
Abstrakt: In higher education, engineering and architecture degrees require the acquisition and development of skills such as creativity and spatial ability. Space competence can be developed by performing exercises and the creativity improves, if the design of the exercises allows multiple solutions. The understanding of topographic relief is necessary for the integration of architectural and engineering projects in the environment. However, in the university context deficiencies have been detected for the interpretation of the relief forms. Land models can help to fill this gap. The emergence of low cost digital manufacturing technologies allows the creation of terrain models and their incorporation for teaching. This article presents the results of two experiences. In the first one, carried out during the 2015-16 academic year with 33 university students, topographic models are made using stacked sections, with the aim of improving the three-dimensional interpretation of the terrain forms. The second part of the experience, performed during the 2016-17 course is carried out with Master's students. This is a preliminary validation, with few students, which seeks to incorporate creative aspects to the realization of land models. To measure the variation of creative competence in students, the Creativity Abreaction Test (TAEC) is used, before and after the experience.

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