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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Plate–Fiber‐Reinforced Composite Double Coupling Beams

Autor(en): ORCID

Medium: Fachartikel
Sprache(n): Englisch
Veröffentlicht in: The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, , n. 2, v. 34
DOI: 10.1002/tal.70005

Coupling beams characterized by a small span‐to‐depth ratio are particularly susceptible to brittle shear failures during seismic activities. To improve their seismic performance and alter their modes of failure, four distinct types of coupling beams were conceptualized, designed, and fabricated. The low‐cyclic reversed loading tests of the reinforced concrete (RC) single coupling beam, the RC double coupling beam, the plate‐reinforced composite (PRC) double coupling beam, and the plate–fiber‐reinforced composite (PFRC) double coupling beam were completed. The test results indicate that the double coupling beam demonstrates commendable ductility and a notable capacity for energy dissipation. It is beneficial for dissipating a significant amount of seismic energy and delaying damage to the wall limb. Adding steel plates to the double coupling beams can enhance their shear bearing capacity and prevent brittle shear failure. Substituting the matrix material with fiber‐reinforced concrete (FRC) significantly enhances the interaction between the concrete and the steel plates, leading to improved seismic performance of the coupling beams. Compared to RC double coupling beams, PFRC double coupling beams reach peak bearing capacity more quickly and exhibit an approximately 56.27% increase in bearing capacity. The axial forces exerted on the embedded steel plates within the PFRC double coupling beam are higher than those observed in the PRC double coupling beam. The use of fiber can improve the failure mode of the PRC double coupling beam. Finally, based on the experiments, a parametric analysis of the PFRC double coupling beams was conducted using ABAQUS software.

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