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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Determining the Seepage Stability of Fractured Coal Rock in the Karst Collapse Pillar


Medium: Fachartikel
Sprache(n): Englisch
Veröffentlicht in: Advances in Civil Engineering, , v. 2020
Seite(n): 1-11
DOI: 10.1155/2020/1909564

The karst collapse pillar (KCP) is a common geological structure in the coal mines of northern China. KCPs contain many fractured coal rocks, which can easily migrate under the action of high-pressure water. The destruction or instability of the cementation structure between the rocks can directly induce coalmine water-inrush accidents. To study the seepage stability of cemented and fractured coal rock under triaxial pressures, a self-designed triaxial seepage testing system was used and the permeabilitykand non-Darcy factorβof the cemented and fractured coal rock were tested. Furthermore, the 1D non-Darcy seepage equations were used to calculate the evolution criteria of the seepage loss stability. The results show the following: (1) The cemented structure in the KCP under the triaxial pressures can be easily destroyed. The damaged coal and rock body mainly exists in bulk form, and the permeability depends mainly on the effective stress of the particles. (2) The seepage process in the KCP structure is a combination of pore flow, fracture flow, and pipe flow, and the transition of the seepage state is closely related to the change in the magnitude ofβ. (3) Under the long-term effect of confined underground water, the migration of small fractured particles in the KCP will increase the structural porosity. If the parameterβk2reaches the threshold value, the seepage system will evolve into a pipeline flow state, eventually causing a water-inrush accident.

Copyright: © 2020 Tianjun Zhang et al.

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