Following the collapse of the Schoharie Creek Bridge on April 5, 1987, an extensive inves-tigation was undertaken to determine the cause of the failure. The foundations and the bridge components recovered and laid out in their original positions, were closely examined, and soil borings were taken at the site, but it soon became clear that Pier 3 was the critical element. In addition to the site work, the investigation included a review of documents pertaining to the design, construction, inspection and maintenance of the bridge, and geological and hydrological reviews were made of historical and existing conditions. Struc-tural analyses were made of the superstructure and substructure. A brief review of many of these investigative efforts is described in this chapter. The Schoharie Creek Bridge collapsed because of the extensive undermining under Pier 3 due to scour resulting from a flow rate of about 63,000 cubic feet per second at the bridge site.