Zhou, Songlin / Hao, Wei / Zhang, Zhaolei / Zeng, Qiang / Byon, Young-Ji: Spatial deployment optimisation for public charging stations with coverage equilibrium. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport.
Ma, Jian / Wu, Kai / Xu, Gang / Xu, Chengji / Liu, Yu / Zeng, Qiang / Lu, Qing (2024): Sedimentation-affected engineering performances and microstructures of a hybrid Portland-sulfate aluminate cement grout cast in long tubes. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 97 (November 2024).
Zhu, Shaojun / Ohsaki, Makoto / Guo, Xiaonong / Zeng, Qiang (2020): Shape optimization for non-linear buckling load of aluminum alloy reticulated shells with gusset joints. In: Thin-Walled Structures, v. 154 (September 2020).
Li, Le / Liu, Wenfeng / Zhou, Chunsheng / Zeng, Qiang (2024): Probabilistic assessment of silane impregnation and electrochemical chloride removal treatment on protection effect against steel corrosion in marine concrete structures. In: Developments in the Built Environment, v. 17 (März 2024).
Li, Peng-Da / Zeng, Qiang / Gao, Si-Jie / Yuan, Fang (2024): Postpeak Stress–Strain Behavior of High-Strength Concrete under Different FRP Confinement Stiffness Ratios. In: Journal of Composites for Construction, v. 28, n. 2 (April 2024).
Li, Peng-Da / Zeng, Qiang / Jiang, Jia-Fei (2023): Stiffness-based stress–strain model of FRP-confined high-strength and ultra-high strength concrete column with various corner radii. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 409 (Dezember 2023).
Zeng, Qiang / Ohsaki, Makoto / Zhang, Jingyao / Zhu, Shaojun / Li, Zhengning / Guo, Xiaonong (2023): Structured triangular mesh generation method for free-form gridshells based on conformal mapping and virtual interaction forces. In: Engineering Structures, v. 295 (November 2023).
Wan, Chenglin / Wang, Jiyang / Zeng, Qiang / Shen, Linghua / Liu, Chengbin (2023): Quasi-static, cyclic loading tests of RAC brick masonry walls strengthened by basalt textile reinforced concrete. In: Composite Structures, v. 321 (Oktober 2023).
Gong, Fuyuan / Wang, Zhao / Ning, Yingjie / Yang, Liu / Zeng, Qiang (2023): Investigation on the impact of Thermo-Drying towards Freeze-Thaw cycle processing for recycled coarse aggregate. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 392 (August 2023).
Dai, Yuqing / Yang, Rijiao / Xu, Chengji / Al-Mansour, Ahmed / Lan, Yan / Peng, Yu / Li, Le / Zeng, Qiang / Li, Kefei (2023): In-situ μ-XCT characterization of cement-waterborne epoxy resin coalescence. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 377 (Mai 2023).
Zhou, Chunsheng / Ren, Fangzhou / Zeng, Qiang / Xiao, Lizhi / Wang, Wei (2018): Pore-size resolved water vapor adsorption kinetics of white cement mortars as viewed from proton NMR relaxation. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 105 (März 2018).
Zeng, Qiang / Li, Kefei / Fen-chong, Teddy / Dangla, Patrick (2012): Pore structure characterization of cement pastes blended with high-volume fly-ash. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 42, n. 1 (Januar 2012).
Ren, Fangzhou / Zhou, Chunsheng / Zeng, Qiang / Wang, Zhendi / Wang, Wei (2023): Numerical investigations into the physical significance of sorptivity for cement-based materials considering water sensitivity. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 66 (Mai 2023).
Zeng, Qiang / Zhu, Shaojun / Li, Zhengning / Guo, Xiaonong (2023): Self-adaptive triangular mesh generation framework for free-form single-layer reticulated shells based on virtual interaction forces. In: Automation in Construction, v. 148 (April 2023).
Chen, Shikun / Ruan, Shengqian / Zeng, Qiang / Liu, Yi / Zhang, Mingzhong / Tian, Ye / Yan, Dongming (2022): Pore structure of geopolymer materials and its correlations to engineering properties: A review. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 328 (April 2022).
Al-Mansour, Ahmed / Chen, Shan / Xu, Chengji / Peng, Yu / Wang, Jiyang / Ruan, Shaoqin / Zeng, Qiang (2022): Sustainable cement mortar with recycled plastics enabled by the matrix-aggregate compatibility improvement. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 318 (Februar 2022).
Wang, Zhengwu / Yu, Jie / Hao, Wei / Tang, Jinjun / Zeng, Qiang / Ma, Changxi / Yu, Rongjie (2020): Two-Step Coordinated Optimization Model of Mixed Demand Responsive Feeder Transit. In: Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, v. 146, n. 3 (März 2020).
Wan, Chenglin / Wang, Jiyang / Zeng, Qiang / Shen, Linghua / Yan, Dongming / Peng, Yu (2021): Mechanical behavior of masonry columns strengthened with basalt textile reinforced concrete under eccentric loading: Experimental investigation and analytical modelling. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 269 (Februar 2021).
Zeng, Qiang / Mao, Tao / Li, Hedong / Peng, Yu (2018): Thermally insulating lightweight cement-based composites incorporating glass beads and nano-silica aerogels for sustainably energy-saving buildings. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 174 (September 2018).
Zhang, Guoyi / Tian, Ye / Jin, Xianyu / Zeng, Qiang / Jin, Nanguo / Yan, Dongming / Tian, Zushi (2020): A self-balanced electrochemical model for corrosion of reinforcing steel bar in considering the micro-environments in concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 254 (September 2020).
Liu, Jiahan / Zeng, Qiang / Xu, Shilang (2020): The state-of-art in characterizing the micro/nano-structure and mechanical properties of cement-based materials via scratch test. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 254 (September 2020).
Xu, Shilang / Feng, Ying / Liu, Jiahan / Zeng, Qiang (2020): Micro indentation fracture of cement paste assessed by energy-based method: The method improvement and affecting factors. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 231 (Januar 2020).
Zeng, Qiang / Wang, Zhendi (2019): Poroelastic Insights into Stress Dependence of Chloride Penetration into Saturated Cement-Based Porous Materials. In: Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, v. 17, n. 6 (Juni 2019).
Zhang, Qi / Xu, Shilang / Zeng, Qiang (2019): Residual compressive strength of hardened OPC/CAC paste after fire exposure. In: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 71, n. 10 (Mai 2019).
Zeng, Qiang / Guo, Xiaonong / Huang, Zewei / Zong, Shaohan (2019): Uniaxial compression bearing capacity of bolted ball-cylinder joint. In: Engineering Structures, v. 183 (März 2019).
Deng, Lianbo / Zeng, Qiang / Gao, Wei / Bin, Song (2011): Optimization of train plan for urban rail transit in the multi-routing mode. In: Journal of Modern Transportation, v. 19, n. 4 (Dezember 2011).
Wang, Zhendi / Zeng, Qiang / Wu, Yuekai / Wang, Ling / Yao, Yan / Li, Kefei (2014): Relative humidity and deterioration of concrete under freeze–thaw load. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 62 (Juli 2014).
Zeng, Qiang / Li, Kefei (2015): Reaction and microstructure of cement–fly-ash system. In: Materials and Structures, v. 48, n. 6 (Juni 2015).
Zeng, Qiang / Xu, Shilang (2017): A two-parameter stretched exponential function for dynamic water vapor sorption of cement-based porous materials. In: Materials and Structures, v. 50, n. 2 (April 2017).
Xu, Shilang / Feng, Ying / Liu, Jiahan / Zeng, Qiang / Peng, Yu (2018): Microfracture Characterization of Cement Paste at Early Age by Indentation Test. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 30, n. 6 (Juni 2018).