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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Young-Soo Yoon

Die folgende Bibliografie enthält alle in dieser Datenbank indizierten Veröffentlichungen, die mit diesem Namen als Autor, Herausgeber oder anderweitig Beitragenden verbunden sind.

  1. Yoo, Sun-Jae / Yuan, Tian-Feng / Choi, Jin-Seok / Yoon, Young-Soo (2023): Comparative bond-slip response of ribbed CFRP bar to UHPC after exposure to high temperature. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 400 (Oktober 2023).


  2. Yoo, Sun-Jae / Hong, Se-Hee / Yoon, Young-Soo (2023): Bonding behavior and prediction of helically ribbed CFRP bar embedded in ultra high-performance concrete (UHPC). In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 19 (Dezember 2023).


  3. Yoo, Doo-Yeol / Kang, Su-Tea / Lee, Joo-Ha / Yoon, Young-Soo (2013): Effect of shrinkage reducing admixture on tensile and flexural behaviors of UHPFRC considering fiber distribution characteristics. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 54 (Dezember 2013).


  4. Yoon, Young-Soo / Won, Jong-Pil / Woo, Sang-Kyun / Song, Young-Chul (2002): Enhanced durability performance of fly ash concrete for concrete-faced rockfill dam application. In: Cement and Concrete Research, v. 32, n. 1 (Januar 2002).


  5. Kim, Young-Hwi / Yoo, Sun-Jae / Yuan, Tian-Feng / Yoon, Young-Soo (2022): Effect of design code and evacuation information on strategic location of Shelter in Place (SIP) in light rail station. In: Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, v. 21, n. 4 (März 2022).


  6. Yang, Jun-Mo / Min, Kyung-Hwan / Yoon, Young-Soo (2012): Effect of anchorage and strength of stirrups on shear behavior of high-strength concrete beams. In: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 41, n. 3 (Februar 2012).


  7. Park, Jung-Jun / Yoo, Doo-Yeol / Kim, Sung-Wook / Yoon, Young-Soo (2014): Autogenous shrinkage of ultra high performance concrete considering early age coefficient of thermal expansion. In: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 49, n. 6 (März 2014).


  8. Yoo, Doo-Yeol / Kwon, Ki-Yeon / Yang, Jun-Mo / Yoon, Young-Soo (2017): Effect of cover depth and rebar diameter on shrinkage behavior of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete slabs. In: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 61, n. 6 (März 2017).


  9. Yuan, Tian-Feng / Choi, Jin-Seok / Kim, Seong-Kyum / Yoon, Young-Soo (2020): Assessment of Steel Slag and Steel Fiber to Control Electromagnetic Shielding in High-Strength Concrete. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 25, n. 3 (Dezember 2020).


  10. Yoo, Doo-Yeol / Banthia, Nemkumar / Kang, Su-Tae / Yoon, Young-Soo (2016): Effect of fiber orientation on the rate-dependent flexural behavior of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete. In: Composite Structures, v. 157 (Dezember 2016).


  11. Yoo, Doo-Yeol / Lee, Joo-Ha / Yoon, Young-Soo (2013): Effect of fiber content on mechanical and fracture properties of ultra high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites. In: Composite Structures, v. 106 (Dezember 2013).


  12. Yoon, Young-Soo / Min, Kyung-Hwan / Lee, Jae-Yong / Yang, Jun-Mo / Lee, Jae-Seong / Shin, Hyun-Oh (2009): Benefits of Using HSC for Improving Tensile Stresses on I-Type Prestressed Concrete Girders. Vorgetragen bei: IABSE Symposium: Sustainable Infrastructure - Environment Friendly, Safe and Resource Efficient, Bangkok, Thailand, 9-11 September 2009.


  13. Yoo, Doo-Yeol / Ryu, Gum-Sung / Yuan, Tianfeng / Koh, Kyung-Taek / Yoon, Young-Soo (2015): Cracking Behavior of Posttensioning Grout with Various Strand-to-Duct Area Ratios. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 27, n. 6 (Juni 2015).


  14. Shin, Hyun-Oh / Yoon, Young-Soo / Cook, William D. / Mitchell, Denis (2016): Axial Load Response of Ultra-High-Strength Concrete Columns and High-Strength Reinforcement. In: ACI Structural Journal, v. 113, n. 2 (März 2016).


  15. Yoo, Doo-Yeol / Park, Jung-Jun / Kim, Sung-Wook / Yoon, Young-Soo (2013): Early age setting, shrinkage and tensile characteristics of ultra high performance fiber reinforced concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 41 (April 2013).


  16. Yoo, Doo-Yeol / Kang, Su-Tea / Yoon, Young-Soo (2014): Effect of fiber length and placement method on flexural behavior, tension-softening curve, and fiber distribution characteristics of UHPFRC. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 64 (August 2014).


  17. Yoo, Doo-Yeol / Kim, Jihwan / Zi, Goangseup / Yoon, Young-Soo (2015): Effect of shrinkage-reducing admixture on biaxial flexural behavior of ultra-high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 89 (August 2015).


  18. Lee, Joo-Ha / Yoon, Young-Soo (2015): The effects of cementitious materials on the mechanical and durability performance of high-strength concrete. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 19, n. 5 (Februar 2015).


  19. Yoo, Doo-Yeol / Shin, Hyun-Oh / Lee, Jin-Young / Yoon, Young-Soo (2015): Enhancing cracking resistance of ultra-high-performance concrete slabs using steel fibres. In: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 67, n. 10 (Mai 2015).


  20. Min, Kyung-Hwan / Kwon, Ki Yeon / Lee, Jin-Young / Yoon, Young-Soo (2014): Effects of steel fibre and shear reinforcement on static and impact load resistances of concrete beams. In: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 66, n. 19 (Oktober 2014).


  21. Park, Jung-Jun / Yoo, Doo-Yeol / Kim, Sung-Wook / Yoon, Young-Soo (2014): Benefits of using expansive and shrinkage-reducing agents in UHPC for volume stability. In: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 66, n. 14 (Juli 2014).


  22. Park, Jung-Jun / Yoo, Doo-Yeol / Kim, Sung-Wook / Yoon, Young-Soo (2013): Drying shrinkage cracking characteristics of ultra-high-performance fibre reinforced concrete with expansive and shrinkage reducing agents. In: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 65, n. 4 (Februar 2013).


  23. Yoo, Doo-Yeol / Min, Kyung-Hwan / Lee, Joo-Ha / Yoon, Young-Soo (2011): Autogenous shrinkage of concrete with design strength 60–120 N/mm². In: Magazine of Concrete Research, v. 63, n. 10 (Oktober 2011).


  24. Shin, Hyun-Oh / Yoon, Young-Soo / Cook, William D. / Mitchell, Denis (2016): Enhancing the confinement of ultra-high-strength concrete columns using headed crossties. In: Engineering Structures, v. 127 (November 2016).


  25. Yang, Jun-Mo / Shin, Hyun-Oh / Yoon, Young-Soo / Mitchell, Denis (2017): Benefits of blast furnace slag and steel fibers on the static and fatigue performance of prestressed concrete sleepers. In: Engineering Structures, v. 134 (März 2017).


  26. Shin, Hyun-Oh / Yoon, Young-Soo / Mitchell, Denis (2017): Axial load transfer in non-slender ultra-high-strength concrete columns through normal-strength concrete floor slabs. In: Engineering Structures, v. 136 (April 2017).


  27. Yoon, Young-Soo / Smith, Bryan Stafford (1995): Assessment of Translational-Torsional Coupling in Asymmetric Uniform Wall-Frame Structures. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 121, n. 10 (Oktober 1995).


  28. Lee, Joo-Ha / Yoon, Young-Soo / Lee, Seung-Hoon / Cook, William D. / Mitchell, Denis (2008): Enhancing Performance of Slab-Column Connections. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 134, n. 3 (März 2008).


  29. Lee, Joo-Ha / Yoon, Young-Soo / Cook, William D. / Mitchell, Denis (2007): Benefits of Using Puddled HSC with Fibers in Slabs to Transmit HSC Column Loads. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 133, n. 12 (Dezember 2007).


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