Xiong, Feng / Bian, Yu / Liu, Ye / Ge, Qi / Deng, Chubing (2024): Data-driven prediction method for flexural performance of ECC composite sandwich panels. In: Structures, v. 70 (Dezember 2024).
Xiong, Feng / Zheng, Chaoyang / Liu, Ye / Bian, Yu / Wang, Yuhao (2025): Deflection function of a novel bolt-connected precast concrete floor. In: Engineering Structures, v. 323 (Januar 2025).
Zeng, Yi / Deng, Chubing / Xiong, Feng: Enhancing rubber rupture detection in rubber bearing through generative adversarial network and feature-bagging zero-shot methodology. In: Structural Health Monitoring.
Zeng, Yi / Deng, Chubing / Xiong, Feng / Peng, Haoyang / Xu, Yuanqing / Liu, Ye (2024): DetachSense rubber bearing for convenient axial load prediction using active sensing and Bayesian-optimized deep neural network. In: Engineering Structures, v. 315 (September 2024).
Wang, Yuhao / Xiong, Feng / Liu, Ye / Chen, Wen (2024): Design parameter study based on nonlinear analysis of a bolt-connected precast concrete composite wall panel structure. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 22, n. 6 (12 März 2024).
Zeng, Yi / Chen, Tengsheng / Xiong, Feng / Deng, Kailai / Xu, Yuanqing (2023): Combination of active sensing method and data-driven approach for rubber aging detection. In: Structural Health Monitoring, v. 23, n. 4 (November 2023).
Xiong, Feng / Zarei, Mohammad / Tabasi, Ehsan / Naseri, Alireza / Worya Khordehbinan, Mohammad / Kh, Teeba Ismail (2023): Effect of nano-reduced graphene oxide (NRGO) on long-term fracture behavior of Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA). In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 392 (August 2023).
Wang, Yali / Zuo, Jian / Pan, Min / Tu, Bocun / Chang, Rui-dong / Liu, Shicheng / Xiong, Feng / Dong, Na (2023): Cost prediction of building projects using the novel hybrid RA-ANN model. In: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, v. 31, n. 6 (Februar 2023).
Su, Peiyang / Xiong, Feng / Lu, Yang / Hu, Qidan / Zhang, Bowen (2023): Efficient Bayesian metamodeling for fine-grained and robust fragility analysis of buildings at a regional scale. In: Structural Safety, v. 102 (Mai 2023).
Yang, Fan / Qin, Gan / Liu, Kang / Xiong, Feng / Liu, Wu (2022): Analytical and Numerical Study on the Performance of the Curved Surface of a Circular Tunnel Reinforced with CFRP. In: Buildings, v. 12, n. 11 (27 Oktober 2022).
Wang, Zhaoqiang / Xiong, Feng / Chen, Jiang / Zhu, Xulong (2022): Experimental and Numerical Analyses on the Seismic Performance of a Novel Precast Concrete Column-column Joints with Bolted End-plate Connection. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 26, n. 11 (September 2022).
Hu, Qidan / Xiong, Feng / Zhang, Bowen / Su, Peiyang / Lu, Yang (2022): Developing a novel hybrid model for seismic loss prediction of regional-scale buildings. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 20, n. 11 (Juni 2022).
Shi, Fengqiong / Ju, Jingxue / Zhang, Xian / Zheng, Ronggang / Xiong, Feng / Liu, Jingfu (2022): Evaluating the inhalation bioaccessibility of traffic-impacted particulate matter-bound PAHs in a road tunnel by simulated lung fluids. In: Science of The Total Environment, v. 832 (August 2022).
Xiong, Feng / Xu, Cheng / Ren, Wei / Zheng, Rongyue / Gong, Peisong / Ren, Yi (2022): A blockchain-based edge collaborative detection scheme for construction internet of things. In: Automation in Construction, v. 134 (Februar 2022).
Mo, Shicong / Wang, Yuhong / Xiong, Feng / Hao, Gengren / Chen, Xingyu / Hung Tsang, Ngai (2021): Analysis and assessment of respirable particles in asphalt pavement recycling from perspectives of workers’ health. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 312 (Dezember 2021).
He, Fengfei / Chen, Jiang / Xiong, Feng (2021): Comparison of the Seepage Monitoring Results between Saturated and Unsaturated State Using Point Heat Source Method. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 25, n. 12 (September 2021).
Lu, Yang / Xiong, Feng / Yan, Huiqun / Ge, Qi (2021): Dimensional analysis of dynamic interaction between adjacent SDOF buildings to forward directivity and fling step pulses. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 149 (Oktober 2021).
Lu, Yang / Xiong, Feng / Ge, Qi (2021): Dynamic rocking response of a rigid planar block on a nonlinear hysteretic Winkler foundation. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 50, n. 10 (August 2021).
Xu, Shen / Jiang, Haihua / Xiong, Feng / Zhang, Chen / Xie, Mengju / Li, Zhixin (2021): Evaluation for block-scale solar energy potential of industrial block and optimization of application strategies: A case study of Wuhan, China. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 72 (September 2021).
Wang, Zhiliang / Jia, Shuailong / Tian, Nuocheng / Xiong, Feng / Lu, Zhitang (2020): Combined Effect of Joint Contact Area and Temperature on Stress Wave Propagation in Granite Rock Mass. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 32, n. 12 (Dezember 2020).
Ma, Xiaozhi / Chan, Albert P. C. / Li, Yongkui / Zhang, Boyu / Xiong, Feng (2020): Critical Strategies for Enhancing BIM Implementation in AEC Projects: Perspectives from Chinese Practitioners. In: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 146, n. 2 (Februar 2020).
Wang, Jun / Yang, Jie / Yu, Jiang / Xiong, Feng (2018): Comparative characteristics of relative pollution exposure caused by human surface chemical reaction under mixing and displacement ventilation. In: Building and Environment, v. 132 (März 2018).
Ge, Qi / Xiong, Feng / Chen, Jiang / Yao, Ziyu (2020): Effects of soil–structure cluster interactions on ground motions. In: The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, v. 29, n. 1 (Januar 2020).
Lu, Yang / Li, Bo / Xiong, Feng / Dai, Kaoshan / Liu, Yang / Mei, Zhu (2019): Bi-normalized Newmark–Hall spectra for seismic design and assessment. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 17, n. 11 (Juli 2019).
Ma, Xiaozhi / Xiong, Feng / Olawumi, Timothy O. / Dong, Na / Chan, Albert P. C. (2018): Conceptual Framework and Roadmap Approach for Integrating BIM into Lifecycle Project Management. In: Journal of Management in Engineering (ASCE), v. 34, n. 6 (November 2018).
Ma, Xiaozhi / Chan, Albert P. C. / Wu, Hengqin / Xiong, Feng / Dong, Na (2018): Achieving leanness with BIM-based integrated data management in a built environment project. In: Construction Innovation, v. 18, n. 4 (Oktober 2018).
Ge, Qi / Xiong, Feng / Xie, Lunwu / Chen, Jiang / Yu, Minjiu (2019): Dynamic interaction of soil – Structure cluster. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 123 (August 2019).
Feng, Bo / Xiong, Feng / Chen, Jiang / Chen, Wen / Zhang, Yiping (2018): Effects of postcast connection locations on the seismic performance of precast concrete frame joints. In: The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, v. 27, n. 18 (25 Dezember 2018).
Xing, Haofeng / Xiong, Feng / Wu, Jiemei (2016): Effects of Pit Excavation on an Existing Subway Station and Preventive Measures. In: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), v. 30, n. 6 (Dezember 2016).