Meoni, A. / Mattiacci, M. / D’Alessandro, A. / Virgulto, G. / Buratti, N. / Ubertini, F. (2025): Automated damage detection in masonry structures using cointegrated strain measurements from smart bricks: Application to a full-scale building model subjected to foundation settlements under changing environmental conditions. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 100 ( 2025).
García-Macías, E. / Hernández-González, I. A. / Puertas, E. / Gallego, R. / Castro-Triguero, R. / Ubertini, F. (2024): Meta-Model Assisted Continuous Vibration-Based Damage Identification of a Historical Rammed Earth Tower in the Alhambra Complex. In: International Journal of Architectural Heritage, v. 18, n. 3 (Dezember 2024).
Sivori, D. / Cattari, S. / Alfano, S. / Ierimonti, L. / Venanzi, I. / Ubertini, F. (2023): Nonlinear static analyses to improve the seismic damage assessment of monitored masonry palaces: application to the Consoli Palace of Gubbio, Italy. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 44 ( 2023).
Castellani, M. / Cavalagli, N. / García-Macías, E. / Vetturini, R. / Ubertini, F. (2023): Dynamic identification of the tabernacle of the church of Santa Maria Maggiore in Spello, Italy. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 44 ( 2023).
Buratti, N. / Cattari, S. / Lignola, G. / Meoni, A. / Parisi, F. / Ubertini, F. / Virgulto, G. (2023): DETECT-AGING blind prediction contest: a benchmark for structural health monitoring of masonry buildings. In: Procedia Structural Integrity, v. 44 ( 2023).
Biscarini, C. / Catapano, I. / Cavalagli, N. / Ludeno, G. / Pepe, F. A. / Ubertini, F. (2020): UAV photogrammetry, infrared thermography and GPR for enhancing structural and material degradation evaluation of the Roman masonry bridge of Ponte Lucano in Italy. In: NDT & E International, v. 115 (Oktober 2020).
Meoni, A. / Fabiani, C. / D’Alessandro, A. / Pisello, A. L. / Ubertini, F. (2022): Strain-sensing smart bricks under dynamic environmental conditions: Experimental investigation and new modeling. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 336 (Juni 2022).
Meoni, A. / Vittori, F. / Piselli, C. / D'Alessandro, A. / Pisello, A. L. / Ubertini, F. (2022): Integration of structural performance and human-centric comfort monitoring in historical building information modeling. In: Automation in Construction, v. 138 (Juni 2022).
Castellazzi, G. / D’Altri, A. M. / de Miranda, S. / Emami, H. / Molari, L. / Ubertini, F. (2021): A staggered multiphysics framework for salt crystallization-induced damage in porous building materials. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 304 (Oktober 2021).
Meoni, A. / D'Alessandro, A. / Kruse, R. / de Lorenzis, L. / Ubertini, F. (2021): Strain field reconstruction and damage identification in masonry walls under in-plane loading using dense sensor networks of smart bricks: Experiments and simulations. In: Engineering Structures, v. 239 (Juli 2021).
de Miranda, S. / Palermo, A. / Ubertini, F. (2014): A simple beam model to analyse the durability of adhesively bonded tile floorings in presence of shrinkage. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 8, n. 29 (Juli 2014).
De Rosis, A. / de Miranda, S. / Burrafato, C. / Ubertini, F. (2014): A numerical framework for simulating fluid-structure interaction phenomena. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 8, n. 29 (Juli 2014).
de Miranda, S. / Patruno, L. / Ubertini, F. (2012): Transverse stress profiles reconstruction for finite element analysis of laminated plates. In: Composite Structures, v. 94, n. 9 (September 2012).
Meoni, A. / D'Alessandro, A. / Ubertini, F. (2020): Characterization of the strain-sensing behavior of smart bricks: A new theoretical model and its application for monitoring of masonry structural elements. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 250 (Juli 2020).
Patruno, L. / Ricci, M. / de Miranda, S. / Ubertini, F. (2016): Numerical simulation of a 5:1 rectangular cylinder at non-null angles of attack. In: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, v. 151 (April 2016).
Brusiani, F. / de Miranda, S. / Patruno, L. / Ubertini, F. / Vaona, P. (2013): On the evaluation of bridge deck flutter derivatives using RANS turbulence models. In: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, v. 119 (August 2013).
Cavalagli, N. / Kita, A. / Castaldo, V. L. / Pisello, A. L. / Ubertini, F. (2019): Hierarchical environmental risk mapping of material degradation in historic masonry buildings: An integrated approach considering climate change and structural damage. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 215 (August 2019).
Castellazzi, G. / Colla, C. / de Miranda, S. / Formica, G. / Gabrielli, E. / Molari, L. / Ubertini, F. (2013): A coupled multiphase model for hygrothermal analysis of masonry structures and prediction of stress induced by salt crystallization. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 41 (April 2013).
Corradini, A. / Cerni, G. / D'Alessandro, A. / Ubertini, F. (2017): Improved understanding of grouted mixture fatigue behavior under indirect tensile test configuration. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 155 (November 2017).
Castellazzi, G. / de Miranda, S. / Grementieri, L. / Molari, L. / Ubertini, F. (2016): Multiphase model for hygrothermal analysis of porous media with salt crystallization and hydration. In: Materials and Structures, v. 49, n. 3 (März 2016).
Ubertini, F. / Comodini, F. / Fulco, A. / Mezzi, M. (2017): A Simplified Parametric Study on Occupant Comfort Conditions in Base Isolated Buildings under Wind Loading. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2017 ( 2017).
Gentilini, C. / Gottardi, G. / Govoni, L. / Mentani, A. / Ubertini, F. (2013): Design of falling rock protection barriers using numerical models. In: Engineering Structures, v. 50 (Mai 2013).
Castellazzi, G. / de Miranda, S. / Formica, G. / Molari, L. / Ubertini, F. (2015): Coupled hygro-mechanical multiscale analysis of masonry walls. In: Engineering Structures, v. 84 (Februar 2015).
de Miranda, S. / Gentilini, C. / Gottardi, G. / Govoni, L. / Mentani, A. / Ubertini, F. (2015): Virtual testing of existing semi-rigid rockfall protection barriers. In: Engineering Structures, v. 85 (Februar 2015).
de Miranda, S. / Patruno, L. / Ricci, M. / Ubertini, F. (2015): Numerical study of a twin box bridge deck with increasing gap ratio by using RANS and LES approaches. In: Engineering Structures, v. 99 (September 2015).
Patruno, L. / Ricci, M. / de Miranda, S. / Ubertini, F. (2016): An efficient approach to the evaluation of wind effects on structures based on recorded pressure fields. In: Engineering Structures, v. 124 (Oktober 2016).
Patruno, L. / Ricci, M. / de Miranda, S. / Ubertini, F. (2017): Equivalent Static Wind Loads: Recent developments and analysis of a suspended roof. In: Engineering Structures, v. 148 (Oktober 2017).
Ubertini, F. / Cavalagli, N. / Comanducci, G. / Materazzi, A. L. / Pisello, A. L. / Cotana, F. (2016): Automated post-earthquake damage detection in a monumental bell tower by continuous dynamic monitoring. Vorgetragen bei: Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC) 2016, Leuven, Belgium, 13-15 September 2016.
Braham, M. / Ruggerini, A. / Ubertini, F. (2008): A numerical model for roof detailing of cold-formed purlin-sheeting systems. In: Stahlbau, v. 77, n. 4 (April 2008).