Zhu, Yunqing / Wu, Jing / Tan, Kang-Hai / Xie, Luqi / Wei, Yinghao (2025): Experimental and numerical investigation on post-tensioned prefabricated RC bridge column with replaceable buckling-restrained energy dissipaters. In: Structures, v. 74 (April 2025).
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Huang, Zhan-Fei / Tan, Kang-Hai (2006): Fire resistance of compartments within a high-rise steel frame: New sub-frame and isolated member models. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 62, n. 10 (Oktober 2006).
Dharma, Ronny Budi / Tan, Kang-Hai (2007): Proposed design methods for lateral torsional buckling of unrestrained steel beams in fire. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 63, n. 8 (August 2007).
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Huang, Zhan-Fei / Tan, Kang-Hai / Toh, Wee-Siang / Phng, Guan-Hwee (2008): Fire resistance of composite columns with embedded I-section steel — Effects of section size and load level. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 64, n. 3 (März 2008).
Tan, Kang-Hai / Qian, Zhen-Hai (2008): Experimental behaviour of a thermally restrained plate girder loaded in shear at elevated temperature. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 64, n. 5 (Mai 2008).
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Strejček, Michal / Řezníček, Jan / Tan, Kang-Hai / Wald, František (2011): Behaviour of column web component of steel beam-to-column joints at elevated temperatures. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 67, n. 12 (Dezember 2011).
Nguyen, T. N. Hang / Tan, Kang-Hai / Kanda, Tetsushi (2019): Investigations on web-shear behavior of deep precast, prestressed concrete hollow core slabs. In: Engineering Structures, v. 183 (März 2019).
Zhang, Ning / Tan, Kang-Hai (2007): Size effect in RC deep beams: Experimental investigation and STM verification. In: Engineering Structures, v. 29, n. 12 (Dezember 2007).
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Huang, Zhan-Fei / Tan, Kang-Hai (2004): Effects of external bending moments and heating schemes on the responses of thermally restrained steel columns. In: Engineering Structures, v. 26, n. 6 (Mai 2004).
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Yu, Jun / Tan, Kang-Hai (2013): Experimental and numerical investigation on progressive collapse resistance of reinforced concrete beam column sub-assemblages. In: Engineering Structures, v. 55 (Oktober 2013).
Yu, Jun / Rinder, Tassilo / Stolz, Alexander / Tan, Kang-Hai / Riedel, Werner (2014): Dynamic Progressive Collapse of an RC Assemblage Induced by Contact Detonation. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 140, n. 6 (Juni 2014).
Shi, Xudong / Tan, Teng-Hooi / Tan, Kang-Hai / Guo, Zhenhai (2002): Effect of Force-Temperature Paths on Behaviors of Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 128, n. 3 (März 2002).
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