Al-Saegh, Salam / Kourgiozou, Vasiliki / Korolija, Ivan / Tang, Rui / Tahmasebi, Farhang / Mumovic, Dejan (2025): Investigating building stock energy and occupancy modelling approaches for district-level heating and cooling energy demands estimation in a university campus. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 329 (Februar 2025).
Al-Saegh, Salam / Tahmasebi, Farhang / Tang, Rui / Mumovic, Dejan (2024): Comparison of Deterministic, Stochastic, and Energy-Data-Driven Occupancy Models for Building Stock Energy Simulation. In: Buildings, v. 14, n. 9 (25 August 2024).
Wang, Yan / Cooper, Elizabeth / Tahmasebi, Farhang / Chalabi, Zaid / Stamp, Samuel / Burman, Esfandiar / Mumovic, Dejan (2022): A multilevel window state model based on outdoor environmental conditions that captures behavioural variation at room and apartment levels. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 277 (Dezember 2022).
Wang, Yan / Cooper, Elizabeth / Tahmasebi, Farhang / Taylor, Jonathon / Stamp, Samuel / Symonds, Phil / Burman, Esfandiar / Mumovic, Dejan (2022): Improving indoor air quality and occupant health through smart control of windows and portable air purifiers in residential buildings. In: Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, v. 43, n. 5 (26 August 2022).
Wang, Yan / Tahmasebi, Farhang / Cooper, Elizabeth / Stamp, Samuel / Chalabi, Zaid / Burman, Esfandiar / Mumovic, Dejan (2022): Exploring the relationship between window operation behavior and thermal and air quality factors: A case study of UK residential buildings. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 48 (Mai 2022).
Wang, Yan / Tahmasebi, Farhang / Cooper, Elizabeth / Stamp, Samuel / Chalabi, Zaid / Burman, Esfandiar / Mumovic, Dejan (2021): An investigation of the influencing factors for occupants' operation of windows in apartments equipped with portable air purifiers. In: Building and Environment, v. 205 (November 2021).
Tahmasebi, Farhang / Wang, Yan / Cooper, Elizabeth / Godoy Shimizu, Daniel / Stamp, Samuel / Mumovic, Dejan (2021): Window operation behaviour and indoor air quality during lockdown: A monitoring-based simulation-assisted study in London. In: Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, v. 43, n. 1 (August 2021).
Ghiassi, Neda / Tahmasebi, Farhang / Mahdavi, Ardeshir (2017): Harnessing buildings’ operational diversity in a computational framework for high-resolution urban energy modeling. In: Building Simulation, v. 10, n. 6 (Oktober 2017).
O'Brien, William / Gunay, Burak / Tahmasebi, Farhang / Mahdavi, Ardeshir (2017): Special issue on the fundamentals of occupant behaviour research. In: Journal of Building Performance Simulation, v. 10, n. 5-6 (Oktober 2017).
O'Brien, William / Burak Gunay, H. / Tahmasebi, Farhang / Mahdavi, Ardeshir (2017): A preliminary study of representing the inter-occupant diversity in occupant modelling. In: Journal of Building Performance Simulation, v. 10, n. 5-6 (Oktober 2017).
Mahdavi, Ardeshir / Tahmasebi, Farhang (2017): On the quality evaluation of behavioural models for building performance applications. In: Journal of Building Performance Simulation, v. 10, n. 5-6 (Oktober 2017).
Tahmasebi, Farhang / Mahdavi, Ardeshir (2017): The sensitivity of building performance simulation results to the choice of occupants’ presence models: a case study. In: Journal of Building Performance Simulation, v. 10, n. 5-6 (Oktober 2017).
Tahmasebi, Farhang / Mahdavi, Ardeshir (2015): Stochastic models of occupants’ presence in the context building systems control. In: Advances in Building Energy Research, v. 10, n. 1 (August 2015).
Mahdavi, Ardeshir / Tahmasebi, Farhang (2015): Predicting people's presence in buildings: An empirically based model performance analysis. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 86 (Januar 2015).
Yan, Da / O'Brien, William / Hong, Tianzhen / Feng, Xiaohang / Burak Gunay, H. / Tahmasebi, Farhang / Mahdavi, Ardeshir (2015): Occupant behavior modeling for building performance simulation: Current state and future challenges. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 107 (November 2015).
Mahdavi, Ardeshir / Tahmasebi, Farhang (2016): The deployment-dependence of occupancy-related models in building performance simulation. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 117 (April 2016).
Mahdavi, Ardeshir / Tahmasebi, Farhang / Kayalar, Mine (2016): Prediction of plug loads in office buildings: Simplified and probabilistic methods. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 129 (Oktober 2016).
Azar, Elie / O'Brien, William / Carlucci, Salvatore / Hong, Tianzhen / Sonta, Andrew / Kim, Joyce / Andargie, Maedot S. / Abuimara, Tareq / El Asmar, Mounir / Jain, Rishee K. / Ouf, Mohamed M. / Tahmasebi, Farhang / Zhou, Jin (2020): Simulation-aided occupant-centric building design: A critical review of tools, methods, and applications. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 224 (Oktober 2020).
Tahmasebi, Farhang / Mahdavi, Ardeshir (2018): On the utility of occupants’ behavioural diversity information for building performance simulation: An exploratory case study. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 176 (Oktober 2018).
O'Brien, William / Wagner, Andreas / Schweiker, Marcel / Mahdavi, Ardeshir / Day, Julia / Kjærgaard, Mikkel Baun / Carlucci, Salvatore / Dong, Bing / Tahmasebi, Farhang / Yan, Da / Hong, Tianzhen / Burak Gunay, H. / Nagy, Zoltan / Miller, Clayton / Berger, Christiane (2020): Introducing IEA EBC annex 79: Key challenges and opportunities in the field of occupant-centric building design and operation. In: Building and Environment, v. 178 (Juli 2020).
O'Brien, William / Tahmasebi, Farhang / Andersen, Rune Korsholm / Azar, Elie / Barthelmes, Verena / Deme Belafi, Zsofia / Berger, Christiane / Chen, Dong / De Simone, Marilena / D'Oca, Simona / Hong, Tianzhen / Jin, Quan / Khovalyg, Dolaana / Lamberts, Roberto / Novakovic, Vojislav / Park, June Young / Plagmann, Manfred / Rajus, Vinu Subashini / Vellei, Marika / Verbruggen, Silke / Wagner, Andreas / Willems, Eric / Yan, Da / Zhou, Jin (2020): An international review of occupant-related aspects of building energy codes and standards. In: Building and Environment, v. 179 (Juli 2020).
Tahmasebi, Farhang / Mahdavi, Ardeshir (2016): An inquiry into the reliability of window operation models in building performance simulation. In: Building and Environment, v. 105 (August 2016).
Tahmasebi, Farhang / Mahdavi, Ardeshir (2019): Revisiting the benefits of diversity representation in window operation models for building performance simulation. In: Bauphysik, v. 41, n. 1 (Februar 2019).