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Thöns, Sebastian / Stewart, Mark G. (2018): Assessment of Terrorism Risk Mitigation Measures for Iconic Bridges. Vorgetragen bei: Ninth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS 2018, 9-13 July 2018, Melbourne, Australia.
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Bastidas-Arteaga, Emilio / Stewart, Mark G. (2018): Cost-Effective Climate Change Adaptation for Reinforced Concrete Structures Subjected to Chloride Ingress. Vorgetragen bei: IABSE Symposium: Tomorrow’s Megastructures, Nantes, France, 19-21 September 2018.
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Foster, Stephen J. / Stewart, Mark G. / Loo, Mindy / Ahammed, Mukshed / Sirivivatnanon, Vute (2016): Calibration of Australian Standard AS3600 Concrete Structures: part I statistical analysis of material properties and model error. In: Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, v. 17, n. 4 (Dezember 2016).
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Stewart, Mark G. (2008): Cost Effectiveness of Risk Mitigation Strategies for Protection of Buildings against Terrorist Attack. In: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), v. 22, n. 2 (April 2008).
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Netherton, Michael D. / Stewart, Mark G. (2010): Blast Load Variability and Accuracy of Blast Load Prediction Models. In: International Journal of Protective Structures, v. 1, n. 4 (Dezember 2010).
Stewart, Mark G. (2010): Acceptable Risk Criteria for Infrastructure Protection. In: International Journal of Protective Structures, v. 1, n. 1 (März 2010).