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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Die folgende Bibliografie enthält alle in dieser Datenbank indizierten Veröffentlichungen, die mit diesem Namen als Autor, Herausgeber oder anderweitig Beitragenden verbunden sind.

  1. Cavaglià, Matteo / Speroni, Alberto / Cadena, Juan Diego Blanco / Mainini, Andrea Giovanni / Poli, Tiziana (2024): Exploring Built Environment Visual Interactions: A SoftBIM Data-Driven Approach for a Database About the Outdoor View. In: Buildings, v. 14, n. 11 (22 Oktober 2024).


  2. Speroni, Alberto / Cavaglià, Matteo / Mainini, Andrea Giovanni / Casarini, Valentina / Bovi, Simona / Cadena, Juan Diego Blanco / Pittau, Francesco / Poli, Tiziana (2023): Parametric Assessment to Evaluate and Compare the Carbon Footprint of Diverse Manufacturing Processes for Building Complex Surfaces. In: Buildings, v. 13, n. 12 (22 November 2023).


  3. Zani, Andrea / Speroni, Alberto / Mainini, Andrea Giovanni / Zinzi, Michele / Caldas, Luisa / Poli, Tiziana (2023): Customized shading solutions for complex building façades: the potential of an innovative cement-textile composite material through a performance-based generative design. In: Construction Innovation, v. 24, n. 1 (November 2023).


  4. Mainini, Andrea Giovanni / Speroni, Alberto / Poli, Tiziana / Zinzi, Michele (2022): On the Optical Characterization of Architectural Three-Dimensional Skins and Their Solar Control Potential. In: Buildings, v. 12, n. 8 (31 Juli 2022).


  5. Mainini, Andrea Giovanni / Speroni, Alberto / Zani, Andrea / Poli, Tiziana (2016): The Effect of Water Spray Systems on Thermal and Solar Performance of an ETFE Panel for Building Envelope. In: Procedia Engineering, v. 155 ( 2016).


  6. Zani, Andrea / Tagliabue, Lavinia C. / Poli, Tiziana / Ciribini, Angelo L. C. / De Angelis, Enrico / Manfren, Massimiliano (2017): Occupancy Profile Variation Analyzed through Generative Modelling to Control Building Energy Behavior. In: Procedia Engineering, v. 180 ( 2017).


  7. Cascone, Stefano / Gagliano, Antonio / Poli, Tiziana / Sciuto, Gaetano (2019): Thermal performance assessment of extensive green roofs investigating realistic vegetation-substrate configurations. In: Building Simulation, v. 12, n. 3 (März 2019).


  8. Paolini, Riccardo / Zinzi, Michele / Poli, Tiziana / Carnielo, Emiliano / Mainini, Andrea Giovanni (2014): Effect of ageing on solar spectral reflectance of roofing membranes: Natural exposure in Roma and Milano and the impact on the energy needs of commercial buildings. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 84 (Dezember 2014).


  9. Paolini, Riccardo / Zani, Andrea / MeshkinKiya, Maryam / Castaldo, Veronica Lucia / Pisello, Anna Laura / Antretter, Florian / Poli, Tiziana / Cotana, Franco (2017): The hygrothermal performance of residential buildings at urban and rural sites: Sensible and latent energy loads and indoor environmental conditions. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 152 (Oktober 2017).


  10. Paolini, Riccardo / Zani, Andrea / Poli, Tiziana / Antretter, Florian / Zinzi, Michele (2017): Natural aging of cool walls: Impact on solar reflectance, sensitivity to thermal shocks and building energy needs. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 153 (Oktober 2017).


  11. Mainini, Andrea Giovanni / Zani, Andrea / De Michele, Giuseppe / Speroni, Alberto / Poli, Tiziana / Zinzi, Michele / Gasparella, Andrea (2019): Daylighting performance of three-dimensional textiles. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 190 (Mai 2019).


  12. Zanelli, Alessandra / Kolo, Elpiza / Monticelli, Carol / Rosina, Elisabetta / Poli, Tiziana / Speroni, Alberto / Mainini, Andrea Giovanni / Cadena, Juan Diego Blanco (2021): A removable textile hybrid structural screen for the windows of Castello Sforzesco, Milan: when experimental metrics inform the bespoke ‘design-to-construction’ process in historical contexts. In: Architectural Engineering and Design Management, v. 17, n. 3-4 (15 Juni 2021).


  13. Diamanti, Maria Vittoria / Paolini, Riccardo / Rossini, Marta / Aslan, Aysegul Basak / Zinzi, Michele / Poli, Tiziana / Pedeferri, Maria Pia (2015): Long term self-cleaning and photocatalytic performance of anatase added mortars exposed to the urban environment. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 96 (Oktober 2015).


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