Gnecco, Veronica Martins / Kousis, Ioannis / Pigliautile, Ilaria / Pisello, Anna Laura (2025): Decoding Living Lab sensing system through Bayesian networks: The preferable working space targeting comfort and productivity. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 101 ( 2025).
Cavagnoli, Silvia / Fabiani, Claudia / de Albuquerque Landi, Fabiana Frota / Pisello, Anna Laura (2024): Advancing sustainable construction through comprehensive analysis of thermal, acoustic, and environmental properties in prefabricated panels with recycled PET materials. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 312 (Juni 2024).
Gnecco, Veronica Martins / Pigliautile, Ilaria / Pisello, Anna Laura (2024): Exploring office comfort and productivity in living labs: A yearlong structural equation modeling study. In: Building and Environment, v. 250 (Februar 2024).
Buonomano, Annamaria / Forzano, Cesare / Gnecco, Veronica Martins / Pigliautile, Ilaria / Pisello, Anna Laura / Russo, Giuseppe (2024): Enhancing energy efficiency and comfort with a multi-domain approach: Development of a novel human thermoregulatory model for occupant-centric control. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 303 (Januar 2024).
Gnecco, Veronica Martins / Vittori, Filippo / Pisello, Anna Laura (2023): Digital twins for decoding human-building interaction in multi-domain test-rooms for environmental comfort and energy saving via graph representation. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 279 (Januar 2023).
Chàfer, Marta / Tan, Chun Liang / Cureau, Roberta Jacoby / Hien, Wong Nyuk / Pisello, Anna Laura / Cabeza, Luisa F. (2022): Mobile measurements of microclimatic variables through the central area of Singapore: an analysis from the pedestrian perspective. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 83 (August 2022).
Bavaresco, Mateus / Kousis, Ioannis / Pigliautile, Ilaria / Pisello, Anna Laura / Piselli, Cristina / Ghisi, Enedir (2022): Are years-long field studies about window operation efficient? a data-driven approach based on information theory and deep learning. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 268 (August 2022).
Chiatti, Chiara / Rosso, Federica / Fabiani, Claudia / Pisello, Anna Laura (2021): Integrated energy performance of an innovative translucent photoluminescent building envelope for lighting energy storage. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 75 (Dezember 2021).
Cardinali, Marta / Pisello, Anna Laura / Piselli, Cristina / Pigliautile, Ilaria / Cotana, Franco (2020): Microclimate mitigation for enhancing energy and environmental performance of Near Zero Energy Settlements in Italy. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 53 (Februar 2020).
Castaldo, Veronica Lucia / Pisello, Anna Laura / Pigliautile, Ilaria / Piselli, Cristina / Cotana, Franco (2017): Microclimate and air quality investigation in historic hilly urban areas: Experimental and numerical investigation in central Italy. In: Sustainable Cities and Society, v. 33 (August 2017).
Pioppi, Benedetta / Piselli, Cristina / Crisanti, Chiara / Pisello, Anna Laura (2020): Human-centric green building design: the energy saving potential of occupants’ behaviour enhancement in the office environment. In: Journal of Building Performance Simulation, v. 13, n. 6 (Oktober 2020).
Pisello, Anna Laura / Castaldo, Veronica Lucia / Pignatta, Gloria / Cotana, Franco (2016): Integrated numerical and experimental methodology for thermal-energy analysis and optimization of heritage museum buildings. In: Building Services Engineering Research and Technology, v. 37, n. 3 (April 2016).
Pisello, Anna Laura / Santamouris, Mattheos / Cotana, Franco (2013): Active cool roof effect: impact of cool roofs on cooling system efficiency. In: Advances in Building Energy Research, v. 7, n. 2 (Oktober 2013).
Bonamente, Emanuele / Rossi, Federico / Coccia, Valentina / Pisello, Anna Laura / Nicolini, Andrea / Castellani, Beatrice / Cotana, Franco / Filipponi, Mirko / Morini, Elena / Santamouris, Matheos (2013): An energy-balanced analytic model for urban heat canyons: comparison with experimental data. In: Advances in Building Energy Research, v. 7, n. 2 (Oktober 2013).
Xu, Xiaoqi / Taylor, John E. / Pisello, Anna Laura / Culligan, Patricia J. (2012): The impact of place-based affiliation networks on energy conservation: An holistic model that integrates the influence of buildings, residents and the neighborhood context. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 55 (Dezember 2012).
Pisello, Anna Laura / Castaldo, Veronica Lucia / Taylor, John E. / Cotana, Franco (2014): Expanding Inter-Building Effect modeling to examine primary energy for lighting. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 76 (Juni 2014).
Pisello, Anna Laura / Cotana, Franco / Nicolini, Andrea / Buratti, Cinzia (2014): Effect of dynamic characteristics of building envelope on thermal-energy performance in winter conditions: In field experiment. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 80 (September 2014).
Pisello, Anna Laura / Castaldo, Veronica Lucia / Piselli, Cristina / Fabiani, Claudia / Cotana, Franco (2016): How peers’ personal attitudes affect indoor microclimate and energy need in an institutional building: Results from a continuous monitoring campaign in summer and winter conditions. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 126 (August 2016).
Pisello, Anna Laura / Castaldo, Veronica Lucia / Taylor, John Eric / Cotana, Franco (2016): The impact of natural ventilation on building energy requirement at inter-building scale. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 127 (September 2016).
Paolini, Riccardo / Zani, Andrea / MeshkinKiya, Maryam / Castaldo, Veronica Lucia / Pisello, Anna Laura / Antretter, Florian / Poli, Tiziana / Cotana, Franco (2017): The hygrothermal performance of residential buildings at urban and rural sites: Sensible and latent energy loads and indoor environmental conditions. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 152 (Oktober 2017).
Cabeza, Luisa F. / de Gracia, Alvaro / Pisello, Anna Laura (2018): Integration of renewable technologies in historical and heritage buildings: A review. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 177 (Oktober 2018).
Castaldo, Veronica Lucia / Pigliautile, Ilaria / Rosso, Federica / Cotana, Franco / De Giorgio, Francesco / Pisello, Anna Laura (2018): How subjective and non-physical parameters affect occupants’ environmental comfort perception. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 178 (November 2018).
Chen, Chien-fei / Yilmaz, Selin / Pisello, Anna Laura / De Simone, Marilena / Kim, Amy / Hong, Tianzhen / Bandurski, Karol / Bavaresco, Mateus V. / Liu, Pei-Ling / Zhu, Yimin (2020): The impacts of building characteristics, social psychological and cultural factors on indoor environment quality productivity belief. In: Building and Environment, v. 185 (November 2020).
Bavaresco, Mateus V. / D'Oca, Simona / Ghisi, Enedir / Pisello, Anna Laura (2020): Assessing underlying effects on the choices of adaptive behaviours in offices through an interdisciplinary framework. In: Building and Environment, v. 181 (August 2020).
Pigliautile, Ilaria / Casaccia, Sara / Morresi, Nicole / Arnesano, Marco / Pisello, Anna Laura / Revel, Gian Marco (2020): Assessing occupants’ personal attributes in relation to human perception of environmental comfort: Measurement procedure and data analysis. In: Building and Environment, v. 177 (Juni 2020).
D'Oca, Simona / Pisello, Anna Laura / De Simone, Marilena / Barthelmes, Verena M. / Hong, Tianzhen / Corgnati, Stefano P. (2018): Human-building interaction at work: Findings from an interdisciplinary cross-country survey in Italy. In: Building and Environment, v. 132 (März 2018).
Pisello, Anna Laura / Castaldo, Veronica Lucia / Fabiani, Claudia / Cotana, Franco (2016): Investigation on the effect of innovative cool tiles on local indoor thermal conditions: Finite element modeling and continuous monitoring. In: Building and Environment, v. 97 (Februar 2016).
Pisello, Anna Laura / Piselli, Cristina / Cotana, Franco (2015): Influence of human behavior on cool roof effect for summer cooling. In: Building and Environment, v. 88 (Juni 2015).
Pisello, Anna Laura / Taylor, John E. / Xu, Xiaoqi / Cotana, Franco (2012): Inter-building effect: Simulating the impact of a network of buildings on the accuracy of building energy performance predictions. In: Building and Environment, v. 58 (Dezember 2012).
Akbari, Hashem / Cartalis, Constantinos / Kolokotsa, Denia / Muscio, Alberto / Pisello, Anna Laura / Rossi, Federico / Santamouris, Matheos / Synnef, Afroditi / Wong, Nyuk Hien / Zinzi, Michele (2015): Local Climate Change and Urban Heat Island Mitigation Techniques – the State of the Art. In: Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, v. 22, n. 1 (Dezember 2015).