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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Shigeya Nagayama

Die folgende Bibliografie enthält alle in dieser Datenbank indizierten Veröffentlichungen, die mit diesem Namen als Autor, Herausgeber oder anderweitig Beitragenden verbunden sind.

  1. Tawa, Kota / Nagayama, Shigeya / Kayaba, Yuichi / Nakamura, Keigo (2019): Comparison of frog communities between floodplain water bodies and paddy fields.. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 22, n. 1 (Juli 2019).


  2. Nagayama, Shigeya / Kato, Yasumitsu / Miyawaki, Shigenari / Harada, Morihiro / Kayaba, Yuichi (2019): A generalized method for assessing inter-levee floodplain pond environments focused on unionid mussels.. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 21, n. 2 (Januar 2019).


  3. Miyawaki, Shigenari / Nagayama, Shigeya / Kato, Yasumitsu / Ito, Hanae / Kayaba, Yuichi (2018): Estimating longitudinal profiles of ordinary water level using gauging station data - a case study: Shonai River, Japan.. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 21, n. 1 (Juli 2018).


  4. Nagayama, Shigeya / Tsukahara, Koji / Kayaba, Yuichi (2018): Examination of sites and timing for temporary relocation of lotic unionid mussels toward land readjustment.. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 20, n. 2 (Februar 2018).


  5. Nagayama, Shigeya / Harada, Morihiro / Sagawa, Shiro / Kayaba, Yuichi (2017): 揖斐川の高水敷掘削地におけるイシガイ類生息環境―掘削高さおよび経過年数との関係― (Mussel habitat in excavated flood-channels in the Ibi River with reference to initial ground heights and elapsed years). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 19, n. 2 ( 2017).


  6. Ishiyama, Nobuo / Nagayama, Shigeya / Iwase, Haruo / Akasaka, Takumi / Nakamura, Futoshi (2017): 河川生態系における水域ネットワーク再生手法の整理:日本における現状と課題 (Restoration techniques for riverine aquatic connectivity: current trends and future challenges in Japan). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 19, n. 2 ( 2017).


  7. Nagayama, Shigeya / Harada, Morihiro / Kayaba, Yuichi (2015): 高水敷掘削による氾濫原の再生は可能か? (Can floodplains be recovered by flood-channel excavation ?). ― An example from Japanese lowland rivers ―. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 17, n. 2 ( 2015).


  8. Nagayama, Shigeya / Harada, Morihiro / Kayaba, Yuichi (2015): 河川地形と生息場の分類 ~河川管理への活用に向けて~ (Classification of morphology and habitat in streams and rivers: application to river management). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 18, n. 1 ( 2015).


  9. Nagayama, Shigeya / Harada, Morihiro / Kayaba, Yuichi / Negishi, Junjiro N. (2014): イシガイ類を指標生物としたセグメント 2 における氾濫原環境の評価手法の開発:木曽川を事例として (Development of an assessing method for floodplain environment using freshwater mussel as an ecological indicator in Japanese lowland rivers: a case study of the Kiso River). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 17, n. 1 ( 2014).


  10. Nagayama, Shigeya / Negishi, Junjiro / Kume, Manabu / Sagawa, Shiro / Tsukahara, Koji / Miwa, Yoshiaki / Kayaba, Yuichi (2012): 農業用の水路における季節と生活史段階に応じた魚類の生息場利用 (Habitat use by fish according to seasons and life stages in small perennial agricultural canals). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 15, n. 2 ( 2012).


  11. Nagayama, Shigeya / Mori, Terutaka / Koizumi, Noriyuki / Kayaba, Yuichi (2012): 水田・水路における魚類研究の重要性と現状から見た課題 (Importance and perspective of study on fish in paddy fields and canals). In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 15, n. 2 ( 2012).


  12. Ishiyama, Nobuo / Watanabe, Keizo / Nagayama, Shigeya / Nakamura, Futoshi / Kenmotsu, Hirotaka / Takahashi, Hiroki / Maruoka, Noboru / Iwase, Haruo (2009): 河床の岩盤化が河川性魚類の生息環境に及ぼす影響と礫河床の復元に向けた現地実験の評価. In: Ecology and Civil Engineering, v. 12, n. 1 ( 2009).


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