Edmund Metters
- (2022): Ghosts of the Erie Canal Past Present and Future. Vorgetragen bei: Footbridge 2022: Creating Experience, Madrid, Spain, 07-09 September 2022.
- (2022): Engaging the Public Through the Design of the Eastwick and Sweetwater Footbridge, London. Vorgetragen bei: Footbridge 2022: Creating Experience, Madrid, Spain, 07-09 September 2022.
- (2022): Breathing Life into an Urban Connection by Reusing Foundations and Derelict Land in Kingston, London. Vorgetragen bei: Footbridge 2022: Creating Experience, Madrid, Spain, 07-09 September 2022.
- The value of a footbridge feasibility study. Vorgetragen bei: Footbridge 2014 - Past, Present & Future, London, 16-18 July 2014. (2014):