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Schweiker, Marcel / André, Maíra / Al-Atrash, Farah / Al-Khatri, Hanan / Alprianti, Rea Risky / Alsaad, Hayder / Amin, Rucha / Ampatzi, Eleni / Arsano, Alpha Yacob / Azar, Elie / Bannazadeh, Bahareh / Batagarawa, Amina / Becker, Susanne / Buonocore, Carolina / Cao, Bin / Choi, Joon-Ho / Chun, Chungyoon / Daanen, Hein / Damiati, Siti Aisyah / Daniel, Lyrian / De Vecchi, Renata / Dhaka, Shivraj / Domínguez-Amarillo, Samuel / Dudkiewicz, Edyta / Edappilly, Lakshmi Prabha / Fernández-Agüera, Jesica / Folkerts, Mireille / Frijns, Arjan / Gaona, Gabriel / Garg, Vishal / Gauthier, Stephanie / Jabbari, Shahla Ghaffari / Harimi, Djamila / Hellwig, Runa T. / Huebner, Gesche M. / Jin, Quan / Jowkar, Mina / Kim, Jungsoo / King, Nelson / Kingma, Boris / Koerniawan, M. Donny / Kolarik, Jakub / Kumar, Shailendra / Kwok, Alison / Lamberts, Roberto / Laska, Marta / Lee, M. C. Jeffrey / Lee, Yoonhee / Lindermayr, Vanessa / Mahaki, Mohammadbagher / Marcel-Okafor, Udochukwu / Marín-Restrepo, Laura / Marquardsen, Anna / Mar (2020): Evaluating assumptions of scales for subjective assessment of thermal environments – Do laypersons perceive them the way, we researchers believe?. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 211 (März 2020).
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Bhatnagar, Mayank / Mathur, Jyotirmay / Garg, Vishal (2018): Determining base temperature for heating and cooling degree-days for India. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 18 (Juli 2018).
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