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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Die folgende Bibliografie enthält alle in dieser Datenbank indizierten Veröffentlichungen, die mit diesem Namen als Autor, Herausgeber oder anderweitig Beitragenden verbunden sind.

  1. Li, Guanhua / Gu, Zi-Zhang / Du, Erfeng / Liu, Si-Wei / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai (2025): Global buckling analysis of IFC-protected steel members with irregular sections under fire. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 224 (Januar 2025).


  2. Tang, Yi-Qun / Zhu, He / Liu, Yao-Peng / Ding, Yue-Yang / Chan, Siu-Lai (2024): A novel efficient plastic hinge approach for direct analysis of steel structures. In: Engineering Structures, v. 319 (November 2024).


  3. Guo, Xiao-Hong / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Sun-Nung / Yeung, Tsz-Kin Au / Liu, Si-Wei / Chan, Siu-Lai (2024): Laminated insulated glass units under blast loads: Experimental and numerical study. In: Engineering Structures, v. 316 (Oktober 2024).


  4. Chan, Jake L. Y. / Chan, Siu-Lai / Liu, Yao-Peng / Liu, Si-Wei (2024): Progressive collapse of system scaffolds with accidental removal of bracing members. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 218 (Juli 2024).


  5. Du, Zuo-Lei / Liu, Yao-Peng / He, Jian-Wei / Chan, Siu-Lai (2019): Direct analysis method for noncompact and slender concrete-filled steel tube members. In: Thin-Walled Structures, v. 135 (Februar 2019).


  6. Tang, Yi-Qun / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai / Du, Er-Feng (2019): An innovative co-rotational pointwise equilibrating polynomial element based on Timoshenko beam theory for second-order analysis. In: Thin-Walled Structures, v. 141 (August 2019).


  7. Li, Guo-Chang / Chen, Bo-Wen / Yang, Zhi-Jian / Liu, Yao-Peng / Feng, Yi-He (2021): Experimental and numerical behavior of eccentrically loaded square concrete-filled steel tubular long columns made of high-strength steel and concrete. In: Thin-Walled Structures, v. 159 (Februar 2021).


  8. Zhang, Zhi-Jian / Chen, Bai-Sen / Bai, Rui / Liu, Yao-Peng (2023): Non-Linear Behavior and Design of Steel Structures: Review and Outlook. In: Buildings, v. 13, n. 8 (2 August 2023).


  9. Zou, Xiao-Kang / Zhang, Yi / Liu, Yao-Peng / Shi, Liang-Cheng / Kan, Daniel (2023): Design and Construction of High-Performance Long-Span Steel Transfer Twin Trusses Applied in One Hospital Building in Hong Kong. In: Buildings, v. 13, n. 3 (26 Februar 2023).


  10. Li, Guo-Chang / Chen, Bo-Wen / Zhu, Bo-Wen / Yang, Zhi-Jian / Ge, Han-Bin / Liu, Yao-Peng (2022): Axially loaded square concrete-filled steel tubular long columns made of high-strength materials: Experimental investigation, analytical behavior and design. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 58 (Oktober 2022).


  11. Chen, Wen-Feng / Liu, Yao-Peng / Du, Zuo-Lei / Bai, Rui / Chan, Siu-Lai (2021): A consistent tapered beam-column element allowing for different variations and initial imperfections. In: Structures, v. 33 (Oktober 2021).


  12. Tang, Yi-Qun / Chen, Wen-Feng / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai (2021): Consistent co-rotational framework for Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam-column elements under distributed member loads. In: Advances in Structural Engineering, v. 24, n. 9 (Februar 2021).


  13. Du, Zuo-Lei / Ding, Zhi-Xia / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai (2019): Advanced flexibility-based beam-column element allowing for shear deformation and initial imperfection for direct analysis. In: Engineering Structures, v. 199 (November 2019).


  14. Abdelrahman, A. H. A. / Liu, Yao-Peng / Liu, Siwei / Chan, Siu-Lai (2020): Simulation of thin-walledmembers with arbitrary-shaped cross-sections for static and dynamic analyses. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, v. 20, n. 12 (Oktober 2020).


  15. Abdelrahman, Ahmed Hussain Ali / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai (2020): Advanced joint slip model for single-angle bolted connections considering various effects. In: Advances in Structural Engineering, v. 23, n. 10 (Februar 2020).


  16. Zhao, Lei / Yu, Zhi-Xiang / Liu, Yao-Peng / He, Jian-Wei / Chan, Siu-Lai / Zhao, Shi-Chun (2020): Numerical simulation of responses of flexible rockfall barriers under impact loading at different positions. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 167 (April 2020).


  17. Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai (2009): Semi-empirical design of complex metal beams by buckling analysis. In: The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering, v. 2, n. 1 (Februar 2009).


  18. Liu, Si-Wei / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai (2012): Advanced analysis of hybrid steel and concrete frames. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 70 (März 2012).


  19. Liu, Si-Wei / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai (2012): Advanced analysis of hybrid steel and concrete frames. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 70 (März 2012).


  20. Liu, Si-Wei / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai (2014): Direct analysis by an arbitrarily-located-plastic-hinge element — Part 2: Spatial analysis. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 103 (Dezember 2014).


  21. Liu, Si-Wei / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai (2014): Direct analysis by an arbitrarily-located-plastic-hinge element — Part 1: Planar analysis. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 103 (Dezember 2014).


  22. Du, Zuo-Lei / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai (2019): A practical analytical model for special concentrically braced frames. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 155 (April 2019).


  23. Bai, Rui / Liu, Si-Wei / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai (2019): Direct analysis of tapered-I-section columns by one-element-per-member models with the appropriate geometric-imperfections. In: Engineering Structures, v. 183 (März 2019).


  24. Jiang, Wen-Qiang / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai / Wang, Zhang-Qi (2017): Direct Analysis of an Ultrahigh-Voltage Lattice Transmission Tower Considering Joint Effects. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 143, n. 5 (Mai 2017).


  25. Liu, Si-Wei / Bai, Rui / Chan, Siu-Lai / Liu, Yao-Peng (2016): Second-Order Direct Analysis of Domelike Structures Consisting of Tapered Members with I-Sections. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 142, n. 5 (Mai 2016).


  26. Du, Zuo-Lei / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai (2017): A second-order flexibility-based beam-column element with member imperfection. In: Engineering Structures, v. 143 (Juli 2017).


  27. Chan, Siu-Lai / Liu, Yao-Peng / Liu, Si-Wei (2017): A New Codified Design Theory of Second-order Direct Analysis for Steel and Composite Structures – From Research to Practice. In: Structures, v. 9 (Februar 2017).


  28. Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai / Du, Zuo-Lei / He, Jian-Wei (2017): 15.07: Second-order direct analysis of long-span roof structures. In: ce/papers, v. 1, n. 2-3 (September 2017).


  29. Liu, Si-Wei / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chen, Liang / Chan, Siu-Lai (2017): 05.13: Efficient static and dynamic analysis of steel frames by one-element-per-member models. In: ce/papers, v. 1, n. 2-3 (September 2017).


  30. Du, Zuo-Lei / Liu, Yao-Peng / Chan, Siu-Lai / Tan, Wei-Qi (2017): 05.05: A flexibility-based element for second-order inelastic analysis using plastic hinge method. In: ce/papers, v. 1, n. 2-3 (September 2017).


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