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Lyu, Kai / Garboczi, E. J. / Liu, Xiaoyan (2022): A quantitative characterization of spatial arrangement of air voids in mortars via X-ray CT and numerical calculations. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 360 (Dezember 2022).
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Liu, Xiaoyan / Liu, Li / Lyu, Kai / Li, Tianyu / Zhao, Pingzhong / Liu, Ruidan / Zuo, Junqing / Fu, Feng / Shah, Surendra P. (2022): Enhanced early hydration and mechanical properties of cement-based materials with recycled concrete powder modified by nano-silica. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 50 (Juni 2022).
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Liu, Changyu / Zhou, Yingming / Li, Dong / Meng, Fanbin / Zheng, Yumeng / Liu, Xiaoyan (2016): Numerical analysis on thermal performance of a PCM-filled double glazing roof. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 125 (August 2016).
Liu, Lulu / Cai, Guojun / Liu, Xiaoyan / Liu, Songyu / Puppala, Anand J. (2019): Evaluation of thermal-mechanical properties of quartz sand–bentonite–carbon fiber mixtures as the borehole backfilling material in ground source heat pump. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 202 (November 2019).
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Li, Tianyu / Liu, Xiaoyan / Zhang, Yumei / Yang, Heng / Zhi, Zihan / Liu, Li / Ma, Wenli / Shah, Surendra P. / Li, Weihua (2020): Preparation of sea water sea sand high performance concrete (SHPC) and serving performance study in marine environment. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 254 (September 2020).
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Yang, Heng / Li, Weihua / Liu, Xiaoyan / Liu, Ang / Hang, Peng / Ding, Rui / Li, Tianyu / Zhang, Yumei / Wang, Wei / Xiong, Chuansheng (2019): Preparation of corrosion inhibitor loaded zeolites and corrosion resistance of carbon steel in simulated concrete pore solution. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 225 (November 2019).
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