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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Die folgende Bibliografie enthält alle in dieser Datenbank indizierten Veröffentlichungen, die mit diesem Namen als Autor, Herausgeber oder anderweitig Beitragenden verbunden sind.

  1. Rajbhandari, Priyana / Yeow, Trevor Zhiqing / Mukai, David / Kono, Susumu (2025): Strain-based performance evaluation of planar flexural reinforced concrete walls. In: Engineering Structures, v. 327 (März 2025).


  2. Rajbhandari, Priyana / Kono, Susumu (2024): Predictive equations for limit states drift ratio of non-structural reinforced concrete walls. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 95 (Oktober 2024).


  3. Hirata, Nobuaki / Huang, Xuechun / Obara, Taku / Kono, Susumu / Ota, Yusuke (2023): Axial behavior of square steel-tubed ultra-high-strength reinforced concrete columns. In: Engineering Structures, v. 294 (November 2023).


  4. Subedi, Naresh / Obara, Taku / Kono, Susumu (2022): Noncompact and slender concrete-filled steel tubes under axial compression: Finite-element modeling and evaluation of stress-strain models for fiber-based analysis. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 196 (September 2022).


  5. Bedriñana, Luis Alberto / Tani, Masanori / Kono, Susumu / Nishiyama, Minehiro (2022): Evaluation of the Seismic Performance of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Precast Concrete Walls with Internal and External Dampers. II: Design Criteria and Numerical Research. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 148, n. 8 (August 2022).


  6. Bedriñana, Luis Alberto / Tani, Masanori / Kono, Susumu / Nishiyama, Minehiro (2022): Evaluation of the Seismic Performance of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Precast Concrete Walls with Internal and External Dampers. I: Experimental Research. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 148, n. 8 (August 2022).


  7. Oktiovan, Yopi Prabowo / Otaki, Taiga / Obara, Taku / Kono, Susumu / Asai, Yoichi / Kobayashi, Katsumi / Watanabe, Hidekazu / Mukai, David (2022): Shear performance evaluation of PHC piles under different levels of axial load ratio. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 51, n. 9 (25 Juli 2022).


  8. Shrestha, Binod Kumar / Wijeyewickrema, Anil C. / Kono, Susumu (2021): Seismic Performance and Collapse Safety Assessment of Post-Tensioned Hybrid Precast Concrete Infill Wall-Frames and Comparison with Reinforced Concrete Infill Wall-Frames. In: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 27, n. 2 (November 2021).


  9. Bechtoula, Hakim / Kono, Susumu / Watanabe, Fumio (2009): Seismic performance of high strength reinforced concrete columns. In: Structural Engineering and Mechanics, v. 31, n. 6 (April 2009).


  10. Obara, Taku / Kono, Susumu / Mukai, David (2021): Damage Evaluation and Limit States of Rocking Concrete Walls with Energy Dissipaters. In: Journal of Earthquake Engineering, v. 26, n. 9 (Mai 2021).


  11. Taleb, Rafik / Watanabe, Hidekazu / Kono, Susumu: Numerical Study on the Ultimate Deformation of RC Structural Walls with Confined Boundary Regions. In: Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering.


  12. Thusoo, Shreya / Obara, Taku / Kono, Susumu / Miyahara, Kiyoshi (2021): Design models for steel encased high-strength precast concrete piles under axial-flexural loads. In: Engineering Structures, v. 228 (Februar 2021).


  13. Thusoo, Shreya / Kono, Susumu / Hamada, Junji / Asai, Yoichi (2020): Performance of precast hollow steel-encased high-strength concrete piles. In: Engineering Structures, v. 204 (Februar 2020).


  14. Taleb, Rafik / Bechtoula, Hakim / Sakashita, Masanubo / Bourahla, Noureddine / Kono, Susumu (2012): Investigation of the shear behaviour of multi-story reinforced concrete walls with eccentric openings. In: Computers and Concrete, v. 10, n. 4 (Oktober 2012).


  15. Bechtoula, Hakim / Sakashita, Masanobu / Kono, Susumu / Watanabe, Fumio (2005): Seismic performance of 1/4-scale RC frames subjected to axial and cyclic reversed lateral loads. In: Computers and Concrete, v. 2, n. 2 (April 2005).


  16. Netrattana, Chanipa / Taleb, Rafik / Watanabe, Hidekazu / Kono, Susumu / Mukai, David / Tani, Masanori / Sakashita, Masanobu (2017): Assessment of ultimate drift capacity of RC shear walls by key design parameters. In: Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, v. 50, n. 4 (Dezember 2017).


  17. Bechtoula, Hakim / Kono, Susumu / Watanabe, Fumio (2005): Experimental and Analytical Investigations of Seismic Performance of Cantilever Reinforced Concrete Columns Under Varying Transverse and Axial Loads. In: Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, v. 4, n. 2 (November 2005).


  18. Lee, Jaeman / Nishiyama, Minehiro / Kono, Susumu / Sakashita, Masanobu (2015): Diagonal Tension Failure of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Member. In: ACI Structural Journal, v. 112, n. 3 (Mai 2015).


  19. Kono, Susumu / Katayama, Takeshi (2009): Seismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Building Structures with Prestressed Braces. In: Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, v. 7, n. 3 ( 2009).


  20. Ichioka, Yukako / Kono, Susumu / Nishiyama, Minehiro / Watanabe, Fumio (2009): Hybrid System Using Precast Prestressed Frame with Corrugated Steel Panel Damper. In: Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, v. 7, n. 3 ( 2009).


  21. Yuniarsyah, Eko / Kono, Susumu / Tani, Masanori / Taleb, Rafik / Sugimoto, Kuniyoshi / Mukai, Tomohisa (2017): Damage evaluation of lightly reinforced concrete walls in moment resisting frames under seismic loading. In: Engineering Structures, v. 132 (Februar 2017).


  22. Yuniarsyah, Eko / Kono, Susumu / Tani, Masanori / Taleb, Rafik / Watanabe, Hidekazu / Obara, Taku / Mukai, Tomohisa (2017): Experimental study of lightly reinforced concrete walls upgraded with various schemes under seismic loading. In: Engineering Structures, v. 138 (Mai 2017).


  23. Bechtoula, Hakim / Kono, Susumu / Watanabe, Fumio / Mehani, Youcef / Kibboua, Abderrahmane / Naili, Mounir (2014): Performance of HSC columns under severe cyclic loading. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 13, n. 2 (Mai 2014).


  24. Lee, Jaeman / Nishiyama, Minehiro / Kono, Susumu / Sakashita, Masanobu (2013): Shear Resistance Mechanism of Posttensioned Precast Concrete Members. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 139, n. 12 (Dezember 2013).


  25. Taleb, Rafik / Tani, Masanori / Kono, Susumu (2016): Performance of Confined Boundary Regions of RC Walls under Cyclic Reversal Loadings. In: Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, v. 14, n. 4 ( 2016).


  26. Wang, Jiyang / Sakashita, Masanobu / Kono, Susumu / Tanaka, Hitoshi (2012): Shear behaviour of reinforced concrete structural walls with eccentric openings under cyclic loading: experimental study. In: The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, v. 21, n. 9 (Oktober 2012).


  27. Kono, Susumu / Ichioka, Yukako / Ohta, Yoshihiro / Watanabe, Fumio (2008): Hybrid RC Building Structures with Corrugated Steel Shear Panels. Vorgetragen bei: 17th IABSE Congress: Creating and Renewing Urban Structures – Tall Buildings, Bridges and Infrastructure, Chicago, USA, 17-19 September 2008.


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