Köhler, Jochen / Vrouwenvelder, Ton / Faber, Michael / Limongelli, Maria Pina (2025): Preface of the Special Issue: The Joint Committee of Structural Safety: past, present and a perspective on the future. In: Structural Safety, v. 113 (März 2025).
Liljefors, Frida / Köhler, Jochen: Framework for rational decision-making in bridge maintenance. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering.
Thöns, Sebastian / Caprani, Colin / Faber, Michael Havbro / Frangopol, Dan / Gardoni, Paolo / Giordano, Pier Francesco / Honfi, Dániel / Iannacone, Leandro / Khan, Mohammad Shihabuddin / Köhler, Jochen / Kim, Sunyong / De Koker, Nico / Limongelli, Maria Pina / Miraglia, Simona / Nielsen, Jannie Sønderkær / Pandey, Mahesh / Viljoen, Celeste (2025): On information value and decision analyses. In: Structural Safety, v. 113 (März 2025).
Köhler, Jochen / Sørensen, John D. / Ellingwood, Bruce (2025): Codes and standards for structural design - developments and future potential. In: Structural Safety, v. 113 (März 2025).
Vrouwenvelder, Ton / Beck, André / Proske, Dirk / Faber, Michael / Köhler, Jochen / Schubert, Matthias / Straub, Daniel / Teichgräber, Max (2025): Interpretation of probability in structural safety – A philosophical conundrum. In: Structural Safety, v. 113 (März 2025).
Lorenzo Allaix, Diego / Bigaj‐van Vliet, Agnieszka / Mancini, Giuseppe / Daró, Paola / Strauss, Alfred / Bergmeister, Konrad / Köhler, Jochen (2023): Future perspectives of standardization for a safe European transport infrastructure. In: ce/papers, v. 6, n. 5 (September 2023).
Köhler, Jochen / Lorenzo Allaix, Diego / Bigaj‐van Vliet, Agnieszka (2023): How to close the gap between applied strategies for infrastructure maintenance planning and the current state of research?. In: ce/papers, v. 6, n. 5 (September 2023).
Liljefors, Frida / Köhler, Jochen: Decision support and structural assessment of a corroding reinforced concrete bridge considering new information. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering.
Hingorani, Ramón / Dittrich, Nils / Köhler, Jochen / Müller, Daniel B. (2023): Embodied greenhouse gas emissions in structural materials for the German residential building stock — Quantification and mitigation scenarios. In: Building and Environment, v. 245 (November 2023).
Teichgräber, Max / Köhler, Jochen / Straub, Daniel (2022): Hidden safety in structural design codes. In: Engineering Structures, v. 257 (April 2022).
Sousa, Helder / Köhler, Jochen / Casas, Joan R. (2022): Evidence on the value of information towards decision-makers. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 18, n. 4 (Oktober 2022).
Mendoza, Jorge / Haagensen, Per J. / Köhler, Jochen (2022): Analysis of fatigue test data of retrieved mooring chain links subject to pitting corrosion. In: Marine Structures, v. 81 (Januar 2022).
Thöns, Sebastian / Klerk, Wouter Jan / Köhler, Jochen (2019): Case studies for quantifying the value of structural health monitoring information: lessons learnt. Vorgetragen bei: IABSE Symposium: Towards a Resilient Built Environment Risk and Asset Management, Guimarães, Portugal, 27-29 March 2019.
Voulpiotis, Konstantinos / Köhler, Jochen / Jockwer, Robert / Frangi, Andrea (2021): A holistic framework for designing for structural robustness in tall timber buildings. In: Engineering Structures, v. 227 (Januar 2021).
Gradeci, Klodian / Berardi, Umberto / Time, Berit / Köhler, Jochen (2018): Evaluating highly insulated walls to withstand biodeterioration: A probabilistic-based methodology. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 177 (Oktober 2018).
Aloisio, Angelo / Alaggio, Rocco / Köhler, Jochen / Fragiacomo, Massimo (2020): Extension of Generalized Bouc-Wen Hysteresis Modeling of Wood Joints and Structural Systems. In: Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), v. 146, n. 3 (März 2020).
Hackl, Jürgen / Köhler, Jochen (2015): Modelling the spatial-temporal progression of corrosion with special emphasis on its influence on structural reliability. Vorgetragen bei: IABSE Workshop: Safety, Robustness and Condition Assessment of Structures, Helsinki, Finland, 11-12 February 2015.
Baravalle, Michele / Köhler, Jochen (2015): The Effects of Damages on the Partial Safety Factor for Parallel Wire Cables. Vorgetragen bei: IABSE Workshop: Safety, Robustness and Condition Assessment of Structures, Helsinki, Finland, 11-12 February 2015.
Fischer, Katharina / Viljoen, Celeste / Köhler, Jochen / Faber, Michael H. (2019): Optimal and acceptable reliabilities for structural design. In: Structural Safety, v. 76 (Januar 2019).
Baravalle, Michele / Köhler, Jochen (2018): On the probabilistic representation of the wind climate for calibration of structural design standards. In: Structural Safety, v. 70 (Januar 2018).
Faber, Michael Havbro / Köhler, Jochen / Dalsgaard Sorensen, John (2004): Probabilistic modeling of graded timber material properties. In: Structural Safety, v. 26, n. 3 (Juli 2004).
Gradeci, Klodian / Labonnote, Nathalie / Time, Berit / Köhler, Jochen (2017): Mould growth criteria and design avoidance approaches in wood-based materials – A systematic review. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 150 (September 2017).
Baravalle, Michele / Mikoschek, Michael / Colling, François / Köhler, Jochen (2017): Calibration of simplified safety formats for structural timber design. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 152 (Oktober 2017).
Fink, Gerhard / Frangi, Andrea / Köhler, Jochen (2015): Bending tests on GLT beams having well-known local material properties. In: Materials and Structures, v. 48, n. 11 (November 2015).
Kioumarsi, Mahdi M. / Hendriks, Max A. N. / Köhler, Jochen / Geiker, Mette R. (2016): The effect of interference of corrosion pits on the failure probability of a reinforced concrete beam. In: Engineering Structures, v. 114 (Mai 2016).
Fink, Gerhard / Frangi, Andrea / Köhler, Jochen (2015): Probabilistic approach for modelling the load-bearing capacity of glued laminated timber. In: Engineering Structures, v. 100 (Oktober 2015).
Fink, Gerhard / Köhler, Jochen / Brandner, Reinhard (2018): Application of European design principles to cross laminated timber. In: Engineering Structures, v. 171 (September 2018).
Jockwer, Robert / Fink, Gerhard / Köhler, Jochen (2018): Assessment of the failure behaviour and reliability of timber connections with multiple dowel-type fasteners. In: Engineering Structures, v. 172 (Oktober 2018).
Engen, Morten / Hendriks, Max A. N. / Köhler, Jochen / Øverli, Jan Arve / Åldstedt, Erik / Mørtsell, Ernst / Saeter, Øyvind / Vigre, Roar (2018): Predictive strength of ready-mixed concrete: Exemplified using data from the Norwegian market. In: Structural Concrete, v. 19, n. 3 (Juni 2018).
Köhler, Jochen / Klein, Jochen / Fontana, Mario (2006): Die Erhebung von Brandlasten in 95 Industrie- und Gewerbebauten. In: Bauphysik, v. 28, n. 6 (Dezember 2006).