Safiey, Amir / Roueche, David / Rittelmeyer, Brandon / Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Mosalam, Khalid M. (2025): A Framework to Guide Performance-Based Assessment of Buildings Following Extreme Events. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 151, n. 5 (Mai 2025).
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Canales, Eric / Hamburger, Rachel / Lochhead, Meredith / Mbabazi, Angelique / Presuma, Lamarre: A hybrid model for post-earthquake performance assessments in challenging contexts. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering.
Mendonça, David / Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Esnard, Ann-Margaret / Ramírez, Julio / Olson, Julia F. (2024): A Framework for Transitions in the Built Environment: Insights from Compound Hazards in the COVID-19 Era. In: Journal of Infrastructure Systems, v. 30, n. 1 (März 2024).
Giardina, Giorgia / Macchiarulo, Valentina / Foroughnia, Fatemeh / Jones, Joshua N. / Whitworth, Michael R. Z. / Voelker, Brandon / Milillo, Pietro / Penney, Camilla / Adams, Keith / Kijewski-Correa, Tracy (2023): Combining remote sensing techniques and field surveys for post-earthquake reconnaissance missions. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 22, n. 7 (Dezember 2023).
Angeles, Karen / Kijewski-Correa, Tracy (2022): Data-driven framework for automated simulation of wind and windborne debris effects for hurricane regional loss estimation. In: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, v. 230 (November 2022).
Angeles, Karen / Kijewski-Correa, Tracy (2022): Bayesian data integration framework for the development of component-level fragilities derived from multiple post-disaster datasets. In: Structural Safety, v. 99 (November 2022).
Angeles, Karen / Kijewski-Correa, Tracy (2022): Advancing building data models for the automation of high-fidelity regional loss estimations using open data. In: Automation in Construction, v. 140 (August 2022).
Whitworth, Michael R. Z. / Giardina, Giorgia / Penney, Camilla / Di Sarno, Luigi / Adams, Keith / Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Black, Jacob / Foroughnia, Fatemeh / Macchiarulo, Valentina / Milillo, Pietro / Ojaghi, Mobin / Orfeo, Alessandra / Pugliese, Francesco / Dönmez, Kökcan / Aktas, Yasemin D. / Macabuag, Josh (2022): Lessons for Remote Post-earthquake Reconnaissance from the 14 August 2021 Haiti Earthquake. In: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 8 (Februar 2022).
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Roueche, David / Kennedy, Andrew / Allen, Doug / Marshall, Justin / Kaihatu, James / Wood, Richard L. / Smith, Daniel J. / Lester, Henry / Lochhead, Meredith / Copp, Andrew / McCarthy, Abbey / Prevatt, David O. / Robertson, Ian (2022): Impacts of Hurricane Dorian on the Bahamas: field observations of hazard intensity and performance of the built environment. In: Coastal Engineering Journal, v. 64, n. 1 (Januar 2022).
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Roueche, David B. / Mosalam, Khalid M. / Prevatt, David O. / Robertson, Ian (2021): StEER: A Community-Centered Approach to Assessing the Performance of the Built Environment after Natural Hazard Events. In: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 7 (Januar 2021).
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Kilpatrick, John / Bashor, Rachel / Kwon, Dae-Kun / Young, Bradley S. / Sinn, Robert C. / Galsworthy, Jon / Morrish, Dave / Isyumov, Nicholas / Kareem, Ahsan (2005): Full-Scale Validation of the Wind-Induced Response of Tall Buildings: Updated Findings From the Chicago Monitoring Project. Vorgetragen bei: 2005 Structures Congress: Metropolis and Beyond & 2005 Forensic Engineering Symposium, New York (New York), USA, 20-24 April 2005.
Deierlein, Gregory G. / McKenna, Frank / Zsarnóczay, Ádám / Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Kareem, Ahsan / Elhaddad, Wael / Lowes, Laura / Schoettler, Matthew J. / Govindjee, Sanjay (2020): A Cloud-Enabled Application Framework for Simulating Regional-Scale Impacts of Natural Hazards on the Built Environment. In: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 6 (Januar 2020).
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Taflanidis, Alexandros / Vardeman, Charles / Sweet, James / Zhang, Jize / Snaiki, Reda / Wu, Teng / Silver, Zachariah / Kennedy, Andrew (2020): Geospatial Environments for Hurricane Risk Assessment: Applications to Situational Awareness and Resilience Planning in New Jersey. In: Frontiers in Built Environment, v. 6 (Januar 2020).
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Smith, Nathan / Taflanidis, Alexandros / Kennedy, Andrew / Liu, Cheng / Krusche, Markus / Vardeman, Charles (2014): CyberEye: Development of integrated cyber-infrastructure to support rapid hurricane risk assessment. In: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, v. 133 (Oktober 2014).
Bashor, Rachel / Bobby, Sarah / Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Kareem, Ahsan (2012): Full-scale performance evaluation of tall buildings under wind. In: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, v. 104-106 (Mai 2012).
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Kochly, Michael (2007): Monitoring the wind-induced response of tall buildings: GPS performance and the issue of multipath effects. In: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, v. 95, n. 9-11 (Oktober 2007).
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Taflanidis, Alexandros A. / Mix, Dustin / Kavanagh, Ryan (2012): Empowerment Model for Sustainable Residential Reconstruction in Léogâne, Haiti, after the January 2010 Earthquake. In: Leadership and Management in Engineering (ASCE), v. 12, n. 4 (Oktober 2012).
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Bentz, Audrey (2011): Wind-induced vibrations of buildings: role of transient events. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, v. 164, n. 4 (August 2011).
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Taflanidis, Alexandros A. (2011): The Haitian housing dilemma: can sustainability and hazard-resilience be achieved?. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 10, n. 3 (Dezember 2011).
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Kilpatrick, John / Kareem, Ahsan / Kwon, Dae-Kun / Bashor, Rachel / Kochly, Michael / Young, Bradley S. / Abdelrazaq, Ahmad / Galsworthy, Jon / Isyumov, Nicholas / Morrish, Dave / Sinn, Robert C. / Baker, William F. (2006): Validating Wind-Induced Response of Tall Buildings: Synopsis of the Chicago Full-Scale Monitoring Program. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 132, n. 10 (Oktober 2006).
Kwon, Dae-Kun / Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Kareem, Ahsan (2008): e-Analysis of High-Rise Buildings Subjected to Wind Loads. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 134, n. 7 (Juli 2008).
Catbas, F. Necati / Kijewski-Correa, Tracy (2013): Structural Identification of Constructed Systems: Collective Effort toward an Integrated Approach That Reduces Barriers to Adoption. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 139, n. 10 (Oktober 2013).
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Kun Kwon, Dae / Kareem, Ahsan / Bentz, Audrey / Guo, Yanlin / Bobby, Sarah / Abdelrazaq, Ahmad (2013): SmartSync: An Integrated Real-Time Structural Health Monitoring and Structural Identification System for Tall Buildings. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 139, n. 10 (Oktober 2013).
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Pirnia, J. David (2007): Dynamic behavior of tall buildings under wind: insights from full-scale monitoring. In: The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings, v. 16, n. 4 (Dezember 2007).
Kun Kwon, Dae / Kijewski-Correa, Tracy / Kareem, Ahsan / Abdelrazaq, Ahmad (2011): SmartSync Framework in Structural Health Monitoring. Vorgetragen bei: 35th Annual Symposium of IABSE / 52nd Annual Symposium of IASS / 6th International Conference on Space Structures: Taller, Longer, Lighter - Meeting growing demand with limited resources, London, United Kingdom, September 2011.