Xin, Jingzhou / Jiang, Liming / Tang, Qizhi / Jiang, Yan / Zhang, Hong / Yang, Simon X.: Damage identification method of arch bridges using MobileViT and transfer learning. In: Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring.
Chu, Tianwei / Zeng, Wenxin / Wang, Ganyu / Chen, Cheng / Zhang, Guowei / Yuan, Diping / Wang, Jinjin / Usmani, Asif / Jiang, Liming (2025): Explain why active opening of windows can mitigate fire spread in modern building compartments. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 99 ( 2025).
Li, Shou-Zhen / Zhou, Xu-Hong / Zhang, Xue-Sen / Wang, Yu-Hang / Jiang, Liming: Optimization of Tuned Mass Damper for Steel–Concrete Hybrid Wind Turbine Tower Using Genetic Algorithm. In: International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics.
Li, Shou-Zhen / Wang, Jin-Jin / Jiang, Liming / Deng, Ran / Wang, Yu-Hang (2025): Machine learning-based strength prediction for circular concrete-filled double-skin steel tubular columns under axial compression. In: Engineering Structures, v. 325 (Februar 2025).
Qiu, Jin / Jiang, Liming / Lou, Guobiao / Yang, Chengyu / Cai, Xuesong / Jiang, Jian / Wang, Yehua / Usmani, Asif / Li, Guoqiang (2024): Experimental investigation of precast composite slabs subjected to natural fires. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 448 (Oktober 2024).
Li, Jinyu / Zhu, Shaojun / Li, Guo-Qiang / Zhang, Chao / Chen, Bin / Chen, Nan / Yang, Xiaolin / Jiang, Liming / Shan, Jiazeng / Qi, Honghui / Ji, Wei / Wang, Yao (2024): Data Set for Fire-Induced Collapse Test on an Existing Building with a Truss Roof. In: Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), v. 150, n. 10 (Oktober 2024).
Cai, Xuesong / Yang, Chengyu / Liu, Zhiqian / Jiang, Liming / Yuan, Yong (2024): Effects of axial compression ratio on seismic behavior of shallow‐buried rectangular stations: Hybrid simulation and quasi‐static test. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 53, n. 9 (April 2024).
Cai, Xuesong / Jiang, Liming / Yang, Chengyu / Lou, Guobiao / Yuan, Yong / Li, Guoqiang / Usmani, Asif (2024): Hybrid simulation with multiple synchronized substructures as virtual fire-exposed models and physical specimen in laboratory. In: Structures, v. 60 (Februar 2024).
Zhang, Zixin / Jiang, Liming / Yarlagadda, Tejeswar / Zheng, Yao / Usmani, Asif (2024): A novel multi-pattern control for topology optimization to balance form and performance needs. In: Engineering Structures, v. 303 (März 2024).
Jiang, Liming / Tang, Qizhi / Jiang, Yan / Cao, Huaisong / Xu, Zhe (2023): Bridge Condition Deterioration Prediction Using the Whale Optimization Algorithm and Extreme Learning Machine. In: Buildings, v. 13, n. 11 (26 Oktober 2023).
Qiu, Jin / Jiang, Liming / Cai, Xuesong / Li, Guo-Qiang / Usmani, Asif (2023): Reconstruct the 3D load redistribution paths of framed structures subjected to local column failure and multi-floor fire. In: Structures, v. 58 (Dezember 2023).
Chu, Tianwei / Jiang, Liming / Zhu, Guoqing / Usmani, Asif (2024): Integrating glass breakage models into CFD simulation to investigate realistic compartment fire behaviour. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 82 (April 2024).
Qiu, Jin / Jiang, Liming (2023): An integrated section model to enable simulating composite slabs in fire simply as modelling a flat slab. In: Computers & Structures, v. 289 (Dezember 2023).
Qiu, Jin / Jiang, Liming (2023): Development of modular and reusable AI models for fast predicting fire behaviour of steel columns in structural systems. In: Engineering Structures, v. 297 (Dezember 2023).
Dai, Xu / Welch, Stephen / Vassart, Olivier / Cábová, Kamila / Jiang, Liming / Maclean, Jamie / Clifton, George Charles / Usmani, Asif (2020): An extended travelling fire method framework for performance‐based structural design. In: Fire and Materials, v. 44, n. 3 (März 2020).
Chen, Zhiping / Zhang, Wendian / Huang, Ronggang / Dong, Zhen / Chen, Chi / Jiang, Liming / Wang, Hansheng (2022): 3D model-based terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) observation network planning for large-scale building facades. In: Automation in Construction, v. 144 (Dezember 2022).
Cai, Xuesong / Jiang, Liming / Qiu, Jin / Orabi, M. Anwar / Yang, Chengyu / Lou, Guobiao / Khan, Mustesin / Yuan, Yong / Li, Guoqiang / Usmani, Asif (2022): Dual-3D hybrid fire simulation for modelling steel structures in fire with column failure. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 197 (Oktober 2022).
Khan, Aatif Ali / Nan, Zhuojun / Jiang, Liming / Gupta, Vinny / Chen, Suwen / Khan, Mustesin Ali / Hidalgo, Juan / Usmani, Asif (2022): Model characterisation of localised burning impact from localised fire tests to travelling fire scenarios. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 54 (August 2022).
Orabi, Mhd Anwar / Qiu, Jin / Jiang, Liming / Usmani, Asif (2022): Modelling concrete slabs subjected to localised fire action with OpenSees. In: Journal of Structural Fire Engineering, v. 14, n. 1 (April 2022).
Qiu, Jin / Jiang, Liming / Orabi, Mhd Anwar / Usmani, Asif / Li, Guoqiang (2022): A computational approach for modelling composite slabs in fire within OpenSees framework. In: Engineering Structures, v. 255 (März 2022).
Orabi, Mhd Anwar / Khan, Aatif Ali / Jiang, Liming / Yarlagadda, Tejeswar / Torero, Jose / Usmani, Asif (2022): Integrated nonlinear structural simulation of composite buildings in fire. In: Engineering Structures, v. 252 (Februar 2022).
Jiang, Liming / Orabi, M. Anwar / Jiang, Jian / Usmani, Asif (2021): Modelling concrete slabs subjected to fires using nonlinear layered shell elements and concrete damage-plasticity material. In: Engineering Structures, v. 234 (Mai 2021).
Zhou, Mian / Jiang, Liming / Chen, Suwen / Cardoso, Rui P. R. / Usmani, Asif (2020): Remaining fire resistance of steel frames following a moderate earthquake – A case study. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 164 (Januar 2020).
Chen, Suwen / Jiang, Liming / Wu, Linsen / Wang, Yanjun / Usmani, Asif (2019): Damage investigation of cementitious fire resistive coatings under complex loading. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 204 (April 2019).
Jiang, Jian / Jiang, Liming / Kotsovinos, Panagiotis / Zhang, Jian / Usmani, Asif / McKenna, Frank / Li, Guo-Qiang (2015): OpenSeesSoftware Architecture for the Analysis of Structures in Fire. In: Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, v. 29, n. 1 (Januar 2015).
Chen, Suwen / Jiang, Liming / Usmani, Asif / Li, Guo-Qiang / Jin, Chu (2015): Damage mechanisms in cementitious coatings on steel members under axial loading. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 90 (August 2015).
Jiang, Liming / Chen, Suwen / Usmani, Asif (2018): Feasibility of dimensionally reduced heat transfer analysis for structural members subjected to localised fire. In: Advances in Structural Engineering, v. 21, n. 11 (Februar 2018).
Chen, Suwen / Jiang, Liming / Usmani, Asif / Li, Guo-Qiang (2015): Damage mechanisms in cementitious coatings on steel members in bending. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings, v. 168, n. 5 (Mai 2015).
Khan, Mustesin Ali / Jiang, Liming / Cashell, Katherine A. / Usmani, Asif (2018): Analysis of restrained composite beams exposed to fire using a hybrid simulation approach. In: Engineering Structures, v. 172 (Oktober 2018).
Jiang, Liming / Usmani, Asif (2018): Computational performance of beam-column elements in modelling structural members subjected to localised fire. In: Engineering Structures, v. 156 (Februar 2018).