Awad, Ruba / Budayan, Cenk / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2024): Construction and Demolition Waste Generation Prediction by Using Artificial Neural Networks and Metaheuristic Algorithms. In: Buildings, v. 14, n. 11 (22 Oktober 2024).
Kunkcu, Handan / Koc, Kerim / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2025): Exploring the Patterns Shaping Communication in the Turkish Construction Industry. In: Journal of Management in Engineering (ASCE), v. 41, n. 1 (Januar 2025).
Abo Mhady, Ahmed / Budayan, Cenk / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2024): Estimate-at-completion (EAC) prediction using Archimedes optimization with adaptive fuzzy and neural networks. In: Automation in Construction, v. 166 (Oktober 2024).
Kunkcu, Handan / Koc, Kerim / Gurgun, Asli Pelin: Work–family conflict and high-quality relationships in construction project management: the effect of job and life satisfaction. In: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management.
Gurgun, Asli Pelin / Kunkcu, Handan / Koc, Kerim / Arditi, David / Atabay, Senay (2024): Challenges in the Integration of E-Procurement Procedures into Construction Supply Chains. In: Buildings, v. 14, n. 3 (21 Februar 2024).
Koc, Kerim / Kunkcu, Handan / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2023): A Life Cycle Risk Management Framework for Green Building Project Stakeholders. In: Journal of Management in Engineering (ASCE), v. 39, n. 4 (Juli 2023).
Koc, Kerim / Ekmekcioğlu, Ömer / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2023): Developing a National Data-Driven Construction Safety Management Framework with Interpretable Fatal Accident Prediction. In: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 149, n. 4 (April 2023).
Gurgun, Asli Pelin / Koc, Kerim / Kunkcu, Handan (2022): Exploring the adoption of technology against delays in construction projects. In: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, v. 31, n. 3 (Dezember 2022).
Koc, Kerim / Ekmekcioğlu, Ömer / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2022): Prediction of construction accident outcomes based on an imbalanced dataset through integrated resampling techniques and machine learning methods. In: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, v. 30, n. 9 (Juni 2022).
Koc, Kerim / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2022): Scenario-based automated data preprocessing to predict severity of construction accidents. In: Automation in Construction, v. 140 (August 2022).
Gurgun, Asli Pelin / Koc, Kerim (2022): The role of contract incompleteness factors in project disputes: a hybrid fuzzy multi-criteria decision approach. In: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, v. 30, n. 9 (Juni 2022).
Durdyev, Serdar / Koc, Kerim / Karaca, Ferhat / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2022): Strategies for implementation of green roofs in developing countries. In: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, v. 30, n. 6 (August 2022).
Gurgun, Asli Pelin / Genc, Mehmet Ilker / Koc, Kerim / Arditi, David (2022): Exploring the Barriers against Using Cryptocurrencies in Managing Construction Supply Chain Processes. In: Buildings, v. 12, n. 3 (8 März 2022).
Koc, Kerim / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2022): Causal Relationships of Readability Risks in Construction Contracts. In: Teknik Dergi, v. 33, n. 2 (März 2022).
Koc, Kerim / Gurgun, Asli Pelin / Ozbek, Mehmet Egemen / Kalan, Duygu / Clevenger, Caroline / Omur-Ozbek, Pinar (2022): Comparative Analysis of Work–Life Balance Perceptions of Civil Engineering Students. In: Journal of Civil Engineering Education, v. 148, n. 2 (April 2022).
Koc, Kerim / Ekmekcioğlu, Ömer / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2022): Accident prediction in construction using hybrid wavelet-machine learning. In: Automation in Construction, v. 133 (Januar 2022).
Koc, Kerim / Ekmekcioğlu, Ömer / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2021): Integrating feature engineering, genetic algorithm and tree-based machine learning methods to predict the post-accident disability status of construction workers. In: Automation in Construction, v. 131 (November 2021).
Koc, Kerim / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2021): Ambiguity factors in construction contracts entailing conflicts. In: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, v. 29, n. 5 (Juni 2021).
Gurgun, Asli Pelin / Koc, Kerim (2021): Administrative risks challenging the adoption of smart contracts in construction projects. In: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, v. 29, n. 2 (Mai 2021).
Koc, Kerim / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2021): Assessment of Readability Risks in Contracts Causing Conflicts in Construction Projects. In: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, v. 147, n. 6 (Juni 2021).
Gurgun, Asli Pelin / Koc, Kerim (2020): Contractor prequalification for green buildings—evidence from Turkey. In: Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, v. 27, n. 6 ( 2020).
Gurgun, Asli Pelin / Koc, Kerim / Atabay, Senay (2022): Yapı Bilgi Modellemesi Kullanımının Sürdürülebilir Yeşil Bina Projeleri Üzerine Etkileri. In: Teknik Dergi, v. 33, n. 3 (Mai 2022).
Gurgun, Asli Pelin / Arditi, David / Vilar, Pablo Casals (2016): Impacts of Construction Risks On Costs in Leed-certified Projects. In: Journal of Green Building, v. 11, n. 4 (September 2016).
Koc, Kerim / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2021): Stakeholder-Associated Life Cycle Risks in Construction Supply Chain. In: Journal of Management in Engineering (ASCE), v. 37, n. 1 (Januar 2021).
Ekincioglu, Ozgur / Gurgun, Asli Pelin / Engin, Yasin / Tarhan, Muhittin / Kumbaracibasi, Sezgi (2013): Approaches for sustainable cement production – A case study from Turkey. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 66 (November 2013).
Komurlu, Ruveyda / Arditi, David / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2014): Applicability of LEED's energy and atmosphere category in three developing countries. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 84 (Dezember 2014).
Komurlu, Ruveyda / Arditi, David / Gurgun, Asli Pelin (2015): Energy and atmosphere standards for sustainable design and construction in different countries. In: Energy and Buildings, v. 90 (März 2015).
Atabay, Senay / Gurgun, Asli Pelin / Koc, Kerim (2020): Incorporating BIM and Green Building in Engineering Education: Assessment of a School Building for LEED Certification. In: Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, v. 25, n. 4 (November 2020).
Gurgun, Asli Pelin / Touran, Ali (2014): Public-Private Partnership Experience in the International Arena: Case of Turkey. In: Journal of Management in Engineering (ASCE), v. 30, n. 6 (November 2014).
Gurgun, Asli Pelin / Zhang, Ye / Touran, Ali (2013): Schedule Contingency Analysis for Transit Projects Using A Simulation Approach. In: Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, v. 19, n. 4 (September 2013).