Galuppi, Laura / Haydar, Ali / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni (2024): Specialization of a new flux-based approach to thermal problems. Numerical study of glass façades of buildings with cast shadows. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 98 (Dezember 2024).
Braghin, Andrea / Galuppi, Laura / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni (2025): Evaluation of a genetic algorithm for constrained multi-objective structural optimization in laminated glass design. In: Composite Structures, v. 354 (Januar 2025).
Galuppi, Laura / Zacchei, Enrico / Esteves, Miguel / Ferrão, João / Simões, Nuno (2024): Experimental validation of the Betti’s Analytical Method for Double Glass Units. In: Engineering Structures, v. 315 (September 2024).
Galuppi, Laura / Riva, Enrica (2024): Constant-curvature bending response of thin glass: Analytical, numerical and experimental study of “clamp-bending” tests. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 9, n. 2 (Mai 2024).
Green, Richard / Bedon, Chiara / Galuppi, Laura (2023): Design and stability of laminated glass fins with continuous lateral silicone restraint. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 8, n. 3 (Oktober 2023).
Galuppi, Laura / Franco, Annalisa / Bedon, Chiara (2023): Architectural Glass under Climatic Actions and Fire: Review of State of the Art, Open Problems and Future Perspectives. In: Buildings, v. 13, n. 4 (24 März 2023).
Feldmann, Markus / Laurs, Maximilian / Belis, Jan / Buljan, Nebosja / Criaud, Annie / Dupont, Eric / Eliášová, Martina / Galuppi, Laura / Hassinen, Paavo / Kasper, Ruth / Louter, Christian / Manara, Giampiero / Minne, Anne / Morgan, Tim / Pisano, Gabriele / Overend, Mauro / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni / Schneider, Jens / Schwind, Gregor / Schuler, Christian / Siebert, Geralt / Sikynova, Anna (2023): The new CEN/TS 19100: Design of glass structures. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 8, n. 3 (Oktober 2023).
Galuppi, Laura / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni: Thermal analysis of architectural glazing in uneven conditions based on Biot’s variational principle: Part II—validation and case-studies. In: Glass Structures & Engineering.
Galuppi, Laura / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni: Thermal analysis of architectural glazing in uneven conditions based on Biot’s variational principle: part I—description of the finite element modelling. In: Glass Structures & Engineering.
Galuppi, Laura / Maffeis, Massimo / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni (2022): Engineered calculation of the uneven in-plane temperatures in Insulating Glass Units for structural design. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 7, n. 1 (April 2022).
Nizich, Adam J. / Galuppi, Laura (2022): Cantilevered laminated glass balustrades: the Conjugate Beam Effective Thickness method—part II: comparison and application. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 7, n. 1 (April 2022).
Galuppi, Laura / Riva, Enrica (2022): Experimental and numerical characterization of twisting response of thin glass. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 7, n. 1 (April 2022).
Galuppi, Laura / Maffeis, Massimo / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni (2021): Enhanced engineered calculation of the temperature distribution in architectural glazing exposed to solar radiation. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 6, n. 4 (Dezember 2021).
Galuppi, Laura / Nizich, Adam J. (2021): Cantilevered laminated glass balustrades: the Conjugate Beam Effective Thickness method—part I: the analytical model. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 6, n. 4 (Dezember 2021).
Uheida, Kal / Deng, Yu / Zhang, Hexin / Galuppi, Laura / Gao, Jiaxiang / Xie, Li / Huang, Shuge / Qin, Xuanshen / Wong, Simon H. F. / Guo, Jianwen / Zhang, Guangxin / Mohamed, Ahmed (2021): Determining equivalent-sectional shear modulus in torsion tests for laminated glass beams using photogrammetry method. In: Composite Structures, v. 276 (November 2021).
Galuppi, Laura / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni (2012): The effective thickness of laminated glass plates. In: Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, v. 7, n. 4 (August 2012).
Galuppi, Laura / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni (2015): On the occurrence of lumped forces at corners in classical plate theories: a physically based interpretation. In: Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, v. 10, n. 1 (Mai 2015).
Galuppi, Laura / Deseri, Luca (2014): Combined effects of interstitial and Laplace pressure in hot isostatic pressing of cylindrical specimens. In: Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, v. 9, n. 1 (März 2014).
Galuppi, Laura / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni (2015): Enhanced Effective Thickness (EET) of curved laminated glass. In: Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics, v. 7, n. 1-2 (November 2015).
Galuppi, Laura / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni (2020): Betti’s Analytical Method for the load sharing in double glazed units. In: Composite Structures, v. 235 (März 2020).
D'Ambrosio, Gianmaria / Galuppi, Laura / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni (2019): A simple model for the post-breakage response of laminated glass under in-plane loading. In: Composite Structures, v. 230 (Dezember 2019).
Galuppi, Laura / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni (2016): A homogenized model for the post-breakage tensile behavior of laminated glass. In: Composite Structures, v. 154 (Oktober 2016).
Galuppi, Laura / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni (2014): Buckling of three-layered composite beams with viscoelastic interaction. In: Composite Structures, v. 107 (Januar 2014).
Galuppi, Laura (2020): Practical expressions for the design of DGUs. The BAM approach. In: Engineering Structures, v. 221 (Oktober 2020).
Galuppi, Laura / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni (2020): Enhanced Effective Thickness for laminated glass beams and plates under torsion. In: Engineering Structures, v. 206 (März 2020).
D'Ambrosio, Gianmaria / Galuppi, Laura (2020): Enhanced effective thickness model for buckling of LG beams with different boundary conditions. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 5, n. 2 (Januar 2020).
Galuppi, Laura / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni (2016): Effective Width of the Slab in Composite Beams with Nonlinear Shear Connection. In: Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), v. 142, n. 4 (April 2016).
D'Ambrosio, Gianmaria / Galuppi, Laura / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni (2019): Post-breakage in-plane stiffness of laminated glass: an engineering approach. In: Glass Structures & Engineering, v. 4, n. 3 (Oktober 2019).
Galuppi, Laura / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni F. (2012): Effective thickness of laminated glass beams: New expression via a variational approach. In: Engineering Structures, v. 38 (Mai 2012).
Galuppi, Laura / Royer-Carfagni, Gianni (2014): Rheology of cold-lamination-bending for curved glazing. In: Engineering Structures, v. 61 (März 2014).