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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Die folgende Bibliografie enthält alle in dieser Datenbank indizierten Veröffentlichungen, die mit diesem Namen als Autor, Herausgeber oder anderweitig Beitragenden verbunden sind.

  1. Khelifi, Abdelhamid / Boumaaza, Messaouda / Belaadi, Ahmed / Bourchak, Mostefa / Djedid, Tarek / Alshaikh, Ibrahim M. H. / Ghernaout, Djamel: RSM approach-based analysis of the physical behavior of dune sand reinforced with Washingtonia waste contributing to mortar cleaner production. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials.


  2. Zerig, Tahar / Aidoud, Assia / Belachia, Mouloud / Djedid, Tarek / Abbas, Messaoud (2023): Combined sand eco-mortar reinforced with polyethylene Terephthalate: Behavior and optimization using RSM method. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 404 (November 2023).


  3. Kaab, Mohamed Zohair / Khelaifa, Hamad / Athamnia, Brahim / Djedid, Tarek / Hima, Abdelkader (2023): The Effect of Recycled Rubber Aggregates and Dune Sand of El-oued Region on the Compressive Strength of Cementitious Mortar: Optimization Using Taguchi Method. In: Stavební obzor - Civil Engineering Journal, v. 32, n. 2 (31 Juli 2023).


  4. Abdelkader, Hima / Djedid, Tarek / Mani, Mohammed / Guettala, Abdelhamid (2021): Analysis of workability, mechanical strength and durability by the FT-IR method of concrete based on silica-limestone sand preserved in aggressive environments. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 16, n. 59 (22 Dezember 2021).


  5. Djedid, Tarek / Mani, Mohammed / Ouakouak, Abdelkader / Guettala, Abdelhamid (2021): Effect of varying silica-limestone sand fines on the physical-mechanical performance of concrete. In: Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, v. 16, n. 59 (22 Dezember 2021).


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