Liu, Heng / Zong, Liang / Shao, Yongbo / Ding, Yang (2024): Corrosion fatigue life simulation and reliability analysis of steel structures. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 223 (Dezember 2024).
Pan, Yuan / Zhou, Shuang-Xi / Guan, Jing-yuan / Wang, Qing / Ding, Yang (2024): Concrete Crack Identification Framework Using Optimized Unet and I–V Fusion Algorithm for Infrastructure. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 28, n. 11 (3 Oktober 2024).
Zhou, Shuang-Xi / Li, Jian-Xin / Bao, Shu-Feng / Ding, Yang / Wei, Yong-Qi / She, An-Ming / Guo, Zhen-Zhen / Dong, Jing-Liang: Drying time of plaster within in-fill plasterboard walls and evaporation theory for water within gypsum: methodology, numerical simulation and application. In: Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering.
Wu, Dianqi / Ding, Yang / Su, Junsheng / Li, Zhong-Xian / Zhao, Bo (2024): Experimental investigation into corrosion effect on buckling and low-cycle fatigue performance of high-strength steel bars. In: Engineering Structures, v. 312 (August 2024).
Su, You-Hua / Ye, Xiao-Wei / Ding, Yang / Chen, Bin (2024): Data-Driven Fatigue Failure Probability Updating of OSD by Bayesian Backward Propagation. In: Structural Control and Health Monitoring, v. 2024 (Januar 2024).
Ye, Xiao-Wei / Wei, Yu-Jun / Zhang, Xiao-Long / Ding, Yang / Chen, Yun-Min (2024): Confining pressure forecasting of shield tunnel lining during construction based on LSTM-PSO models combined with the multi-output recursive strategy. In: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 143 (Januar 2024).
Li, Zhong-Xian / Liu, Haokun / Shi, Yanchao / Ding, Yang / Zhang, Huishen (2023): Experimental investigation on dynamic response behavior of PC beam-column sub-assemblages under middle-joint drop-weight loading. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 80 (Dezember 2023).
Wang, Jun / Yang, Zi-Ming / Zheng, Xiang-Long / Ding, Yang (2024): Axial compression behavior of square section concrete-filled steel tubes reinforced with internal latticed steel angles. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 213 (Februar 2024).
Zong, Liang / Liu, Heng / Ding, Yang / Cui, Yao (2024): Experimental and numerical study on fatigue damage evolution of Q690D welding details. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 212 (Januar 2024).
Zong, Liang / Guo, Shi-Chao / Liu, Heng / Ding, Yang (2023): Experimental and numerical investigation on fatigue behaviors of Q690D butt welds. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 211 (Dezember 2023).
Xiang, Pengfei / Wei, Gang / Jiang, Haibo / Ding, Yang / Guo, Huifang / Zhang, Rui (2023): Experimental Study and Theoretical Analysis of the Effect of Surcharge/Unloading at Both Sides of the Ground Surface on an Existing Shield Tunnel at Different Burial Depths. In: Buildings, v. 13, n. 8 (2 August 2023).
Wu, Dianqi / Ding, Yang / Su, Junsheng / Li, Zhong-Xian (2023): Experimental investigation on seismic performance of severely earthquake-damaged RC bridge piers after rapid strengthening. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 21, n. 7 (29 März 2023).
Ding, Yang / Ye, Xiao Wei / Guo, Yong (2022): Data set from wind, temperature, humidity and cable acceleration monitoring of the Jiashao bridge. In: Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, v. 13, n. 2-3 (August 2022).
Shi, Feng-Wei / Ding, Yang / Zong, Liang / Meng, Xin / Chen, Yang (2023): Axial mechanical behavior of innovative inter-module connection for modular steel constructions. In: Journal of Building Engineering, v. 65 (April 2023).
Li, Zhong-Xian / Liu, Haokun / Shi, Yanchao / Ding, Yang / Zhao, Bo (2021): Experimental investigation on progressive collapse performance of prestressed precast concrete frames with dry joints. In: Engineering Structures, v. 246 (November 2021).
Wu, Dianqi / Ding, Yang / Su, Junsheng / Li, Zhong-Xian / Zong, Liang / Feng, Keyan (2021): Effects of tie detailing configurations on reinforcement buckling and seismic performance of high-strength RC columns. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 147 (August 2021).
Wei, Zongyong / Li, Shugang / Lin, Haifei / Li, Botao / Ding, Yang / Shuang, Haiqing (2021): Experimental Study on Reasonable Spacing after Carbon Dioxide Presplitting in Low-Permeability Coal Seam. In: Advances in Civil Engineering, v. 2021 (Januar 2021).
Shi, Yanchao / Wang, Ning / Li, Zhong-Xian / Ding, Yang (2021): Experimental studies on the dynamic compressive and tensile strength of clay brick under high strain rates. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 272 (Februar 2021).
Ding, Yang / Wu, Dianqi / Su, Junsheng / Li, Zhong-Xian / Zong, Liang / Feng, Keyan (2021): Experimental and numerical investigations on seismic performance of RC bridge piers considering buckling and low-cycle fatigue of high-strength steel bars. In: Engineering Structures, v. 227 (Januar 2021).
Li, Zhong-Xian / Zhong, Bo / Shi, Yanchao / Ding, Yang / Hao, Yifei (2019): A computationally efficient numerical model for progressive collapse analysis of reinforced concrete structures. In: International Journal of Protective Structures, v. 10, n. 3 (Juni 2019).
Ding, Yang / Deng, En-Feng / Zong, Liang / Dai, Xiao-Meng / Lou, Ni / Chen, Yang (2017): Cyclic tests on corrugated steel plate shear walls with openings in modularized-constructions. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 138 (November 2017).
Zong, Liang / Shi, Gang / Wang, Yuan-qing / Li, Zhong-Xian / Ding, Yang (2017): Experimental and numerical investigation on fatigue performance of non-load-carrying fillet welded joints. In: Journal of Constructional Steel Research, v. 130 (März 2017).
Deng, En-Feng / Yan, Jia-Bao / Ding, Yang / Zong, Liang / Li, Zhong-Xian / Dai, Xiao-Meng (2017): Analytical and numerical studies on steel columns with novel connections in modular construction. In: International Journal of Steel Structures, v. 17, n. 4 ( 2017).
Lv, Yang / Li, Zhong-Xian / Xu, Long-He / Ding, Yang (2015): Equivalent Seismic Performance Optimization of Steel Structures Based on Nonlinear Damage Analysis. In: Advances in Structural Engineering, v. 18, n. 7 (Juli 2015).
Li, Zhong-Xian / Lv, Yang / Xu, Long-He / Ding, Yang / Zhao, Qiuhong (2013): Experimental studies on nonlinear seismic control of a steel–concrete hybrid structure using MR dampers. In: Engineering Structures, v. 49 (April 2013).
Ding, Yang / Wang, Ming / Li, Zhong-Xian / Hao, Hong (2013): Damage evaluation of the steel tubular column subjected to explosion and post-explosion fire condition. In: Engineering Structures, v. 55 (Oktober 2013).
Li, Zhong-Xian / Wu, Kun / Shi, Yundong / Li, Ning / Ding, Yang (2018): Coordinative similitude law considering fluid-structure interaction for underwater shaking table tests. In: Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, v. 47, n. 11 (September 2018).
Ding, Yang / Wang, Jinguo / Qi, Lin (2008): Experiment on Seismic Behaviour of Damaged Cable-Suspended Structure. Vorgetragen bei: 17th IABSE Congress: Creating and Renewing Urban Structures – Tall Buildings, Bridges and Infrastructure, Chicago, USA, 17-19 September 2008.