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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Die folgende Bibliografie enthält alle in dieser Datenbank indizierten Veröffentlichungen, die mit diesem Namen als Autor, Herausgeber oder anderweitig Beitragenden verbunden sind.

  1. Xia, Peng / Zhou, Yan-Guo / Chen, Yun-Min (2025): Gravel content effect on site response of sand-like gravelly soil deposits by centrifuge model tests. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 190 (März 2025).


  2. Cao, Yuan / Zhou, Yan-Guo / Ishikawa, Akira / Kurimoto, Yuhei / Chen, Yun-Min (2025): Initial cyclic shear strain-based pore pressure generation model of saturated sands under cyclic stress loading. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 190 (März 2025).


  3. Zhou, Xin-Hui / Zhou, Yan-Guo / Ma, Qiang / Chen, Yun-Min (2024): Shear wave velocity-based evaluation of cyclic mobility type of liquefaction and validation by centrifuge model tests in LEAP. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 183 (August 2024).


  4. Wang, Can / Hou, Jing / Ye, Xiao-Wei / Chen, Yun-Min / Chu, Wei-Jiang / Xie, Tian-Yu (2023): A 3D torus-slice model for limit equilibrium analysis of shield tunnel face under soil arching effect. In: Engineering Failure Analysis, v. 146 (April 2023).


  5. Wang, Can / Hou, Jing / Ye, Xiao-Wei / Chen, Yun-Min / Cao, Ai-Wu / Huang, Liu-Ke (2023): In-situ monitoring and 3D numerical analysis of reinforced face behaviour of tunnel in composite strata by considering randomly-distributed rigid cobble granules. In: Computers and Geotechnics, v. 156 (April 2023).


  6. Cao, Yuan / Zhou, Yan-Guo / Ma, Qiang / Zhou, Xin-Hui / Chen, Yun-Min (2024): Liquefaction and fluidization responses of level ground retained by sheet-pile wall through centrifuge model tests. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 178 (März 2024).


  7. Ye, Xiao-Wei / Wei, Yu-Jun / Zhang, Xiao-Long / Ding, Yang / Chen, Yun-Min (2024): Confining pressure forecasting of shield tunnel lining during construction based on LSTM-PSO models combined with the multi-output recursive strategy. In: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 143 (Januar 2024).


  8. Zhou, Yan-Guo / Zhang, Dong-Chao / Liu, Kai / Chen, Yun-Min (2024): Post-liquefaction deformation mechanisms of stone column-improved liquefiable sloping ground under cyclic loadings. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 177 (Februar 2024).


  9. Yang, Xiao-Tian / Zhou, Yan-Guo / Cao, Yuan / Ishikawa, Akira / Chen, Yun-Min (2023): On the determination of cyclic shear stress for soil liquefaction triggering in centrifuge model test. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 173 (Oktober 2023).


  10. Wang, Can / Hou, Jing / Chen, Yun-Min / Ye, Xiao-Wei / Chu, Wei-Jiang (2023): A 3D rotational silo-torus model for face stability analysis of circular tunnels. In: Case Studies in Construction Materials, v. 18 (Juli 2023).


  11. Ma, Qiang / Zhou, Yan-Guo / Yang, Xiao-Tian / Chen, Yun-Min (2022): A state parameter-based scaling law for centrifuge modelling. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 162 (November 2022).


  12. Tong, Shan / Wei, Lu-Lu / Evans, Jeffrey C. / Chen, Yun-Min / Li, Yu-Chao (2022): Numerical analysis of consolidation behavior of soil-bentonite backfill in a full-scale slurry trench cutoff wall test. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 62, n. 5 (Oktober 2022).


  13. Zhou, Yan-Guo / Chen, Yun-Min / Ding, Hao-jiang (2005): Analytical solutions to piezoelectric bimorphs based on improved FSDT beam model. In: Smart Structures and Systems, v. 1, n. 3 (September 2005).


  14. Ye, Xiao-Wei / Jin, Tao / Chen, Yun-Min (2022): Machine learning-based forecasting of soil settlement induced by shield tunneling construction. In: Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, v. 124 (Juni 2022).


  15. Zhou, Yan-Guo / Liu, Kai / Sun, Zheng-Bo / Chen, Yun-Min (2021): Liquefaction mitigation mechanisms of stone column-improved ground by dynamic centrifuge model tests. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 150 (November 2021).


  16. Chen, Guan-Nian / Cleall, Peter John / Li, Yu-Chao / Yu, Ze-Xi / Ke, Han / Chen, Yun-Min (2018): Decoupled Advection-Dispersion Method for Determining Wall Thickness of Slurry Trench Cutoff Walls. In: International Journal of Geomechanics, v. 18, n. 5 (Mai 2018).


  17. Chen, Guan-Nian / Li, Yu-Chao / Zuo, Xin-Ru / Ke, Han / Chen, Yun-Min (2020): Comparison of Adsorption Behaviors of Kaolin from Column and Batch Tests: Concept of Dual Porosity. In: Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), v. 146, n. 9 (September 2020).


  18. Li, Yu-Chao / Chen, Guan-Nian / Chen, Yun-Min / Cleall, Peter John (2017): Design Charts for Contaminant Transport through Slurry Trench Cutoff Walls. In: Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), v. 143, n. 9 (September 2017).


  19. Li, Yu-Chao / Zheng, Jian / Chen, Yun-Min / Guo, Ru-Yang (2013): One-Dimensional Transient Analytical Solution for Gas Pressure in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills. In: Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), v. 139, n. 12 (Dezember 2013).


  20. Li, Yu-Chao / Cleall, Peter John / Ma, Xiao-Fei / Zhan, Tony L. T. / Chen, Yun-Min (2012): Gas Pressure Model for Layered Municipal Solid Waste Landfills. In: Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE), v. 138, n. 7 (Juli 2012).


  21. Zhou, Yan-Guo / Ma, Qiang / Liu, Kai / Chen, Yun-Min (2021): Centrifuge model tests at Zhejiang University for LEAP-Asia-2019 and validation of the generalized scaling law. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 144 (Mai 2021).


  22. Ishikawa, Akira / Zhou, Yan-Guo / Shamoto, Yasuhiro / Mano, Hideyuki / Chen, Yun-Min / Ling, Dao-sheng (2015): Observation of post-liquefaction progressive failure of shallow foundation in centrifuge model tests. In: Soils and Foundations, v. 55, n. 6 (Dezember 2015).


  23. Zhou, Yan-Guo / Xia, Peng / Ling, Dao-sheng / Chen, Yun-Min (2020): A liquefaction case study of gently sloping gravelly soil deposits in the near-fault region of the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan earthquake. In: Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, v. 18, n. 14 (August 2020).


  24. Wang, Lu-Jun / Zhu, Bin / Chen, Yun-Min / Chen, Ren-Peng / Shi, X. S. (2019): Precise Model for Predicting Excess Pore-Water Pressure of Layered Soils Induced by Thermal-Mechanical Loads. In: Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), v. 145, n. 1 (Januar 2019).


  25. Zeghal, Mourad / Goswami, Nithyagopal / Kutter, Bruce L. / Manzari, Majid T. / Abdoun, Tarek / Arduino, Pedro / Armstrong, Richard / Beaty, Michael / Chen, Yun-Min / Ghofrani, Alborz / Haigh, Stuart / Hung, Wen-Yi / Iai, Susumu / Kokkali, Panagiota / Lee, Chung-Jung / Madabhushi, Gopal / Tobita, Tetsuo / Ueda, Kyohei / Zhou, Yan-Guo / Ziotopoulou, Katerina (2018): Stress-strain response of the LEAP-2015 centrifuge tests and numerical predictions. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 113 (Oktober 2018).


  26. Kutter, Bruce L. / Carey, Trevor J. / Hashimoto, Takuma / Zeghal, Mourad / Abdoun, Tarek / Kokkali, Panagiota / Madabhushi, Gopal / Haigh, Stuart K. / Burali d'Arezzo, Francesca / Madabhushi, Srikanth / Hung, Wen-Yi / Lee, Chung-Jung / Cheng, Hao-Chien / Iai, Susumu / Tobita, Tetsuo / Ashino, Takayuki / Ren, Jianfei / Zhou, Yan-Guo / Chen, Yun-Min / Sun, Zheng-Bo / Manzari, Majid T. (2018): LEAP-GWU-2015 experiment specifications, results, and comparisons. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 113 (Oktober 2018).


  27. Zhou, Yan-Guo / Chen, Yun-Min (2005): Influence of seismic cyclic loading history on small strain shear modulus of saturated sands. In: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, v. 25, n. 5 (Juli 2005).


  28. Zhu, Bin / Chen, Ren-Peng / Chen, Yun-Min / Zhang, Zhe-hang (2012): Impact Model Tests and Simplified Analysis for Flexible Pile-Supported Protective Structures Withstanding Vessel Collisions. In: Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, v. 138, n. 2 (März 2012).


  29. Chen, Yun-Min / Gu, Ming / Chen, Ren-Peng / Kong, Ling-gang / Zhang, Zhe-hang / Bian, Xue-Cheng (2015): Behavior of pile group with elevated cap subjected to cyclic lateral loads. In: China Ocean Engineering, v. 29, n. 4 (Juni 2015).


  30. Gao, Wu / Bian, Xue-Cheng / Xu, Wen-Jie / Chen, Yun-Min (2018): Storage Capacity and Slope Stability Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Landfills. In: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), v. 32, n. 4 (August 2018).


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