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  • Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke


Satish Chandra ORCID

Die folgende Bibliografie enthält alle in dieser Datenbank indizierten Veröffentlichungen, die mit diesem Namen als Autor, Herausgeber oder anderweitig Beitragenden verbunden sind.

  1. Maji, Abhijnan / Ghosh, Indrajit / Chandra, Satish: Development of conflict-based safety performance function for safety evaluation of urban roundabouts in India. In: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revue canadienne de génie civil.


  2. Chauhan, Ritvik / Chandra, Satish (2025): Data-Driven Approach for Prediction of Drivers’ Decision in Type-II Dilemma at Signalized Intersection. In: Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, v. 151, n. 1 (Januar 2025).


  3. Bari, Chintaman S. / Chandra, Satish / Dhamaniya, Ashish (2023): Estimation of system delay based toll equivalency factors at toll plazas using simulation. In: International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, v. 12, n. 3 (September 2023).


  4. Chandra, Satish / Kumar, Upendra (2003): Effect of Lane Width on Capacity under Mixed Traffic Conditions in India. In: Journal of Transportation Engineering, v. 129, n. 2 (März 2003).


  5. Dey, Partha Pratim / Chandra, Satish (2009): Desired Time Gap and Time Headway in Steady-State Car-Following on Two-Lane Roads. In: Journal of Transportation Engineering, v. 135, n. 10 (Oktober 2009).


  6. Rastogi, Rajat / Thaniarasu, Ilango / Chandra, Satish (2011): Design Implications of Walking Speed for Pedestrian Facilities. In: Journal of Transportation Engineering, v. 137, n. 10 (Oktober 2011).


  7. Dhamaniya, Ashish / Chandra, Satish (2013): Concept of Stream Equivalency Factor for Heterogeneous Traffic on Urban Arterial Roads. In: Journal of Transportation Engineering, v. 139, n. 11 (November 2013).


  8. Nokandeh, Mohammad Mardani / Ghosh, Indrajit / Chandra, Satish (2016): Determination of Passenger-Car Units on Two-Lane Intercity Highways under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions. In: Journal of Transportation Engineering, v. 142, n. 2 (Februar 2016).


  9. Penmetsa, Praveena / Ghosh, Indrajit / Chandra, Satish (2015): Evaluation of Performance Measures for Two-Lane Intercity Highways under Mixed Traffic Conditions. In: Journal of Transportation Engineering, v. 141, n. 10 (Oktober 2015).


  10. Chandra, Satish (2004): Effect of Road Roughness on Capacity of Two-Lane Roads. In: Journal of Transportation Engineering, v. 130, n. 3 (Mai 2004).


  11. Mohan, Mithun / Chandra, Satish (2021): Investigating the Influence of Conflicting Flow’s Composition on Critical Gap under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions. In: International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, v. 10, n. 4 (Dezember 2021).


  12. Saha, Arpita / Chandra, Satish / Ghosh, Indrajit (2017): Delay at Signalized Intersections under Mixed Traffic Conditions. In: Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, v. 143, n. 8 (August 2017).


  13. Shukla, Manoj / Gottumukkala, Bharath / Nagabhushana, M. N. / Chandra, Satish / Shaw, Amit / Das, Shankh (2021): Design and evaluation of mechanical properties of cement grouted bituminous mixes (CGBM). In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 269 (Februar 2021).


  14. Garg, Rajeev Kumar / Chandra, Satish / Kumar, Aman (2022): Analysis of bridge failures in India from 1977 to 2017. In: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, v. 18, n. 3 (Januar 2022).


  15. Mohan, Mithun / Chandra, Satish (2020): Capacity Estimation of Unsignalized Intersections under Heterogeneous Traffic Conditions. In: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revue canadienne de génie civil, v. 47, n. 6 (Juni 2020).


  16. Sharma, Vishal / Chandra, Satish / Choudhary, Rajan (2010): Characterization of Fly Ash Bituminous Concrete Mixes. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 22, n. 12 (Dezember 2010).


  17. Chandra, Satish / Prathap, Gangan (1989): A field-consistent formulation for the eight-noded solid finite element. In: Computers & Structures, v. 33, n. 2 (Januar 1989).


  18. Dhamaniya, Ashish / Chandra, Satish (2017): Influence of Operating Speed on Capacity of Urban Arterial Midblock Sections. In: International Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 15, n. 7 (März 2017).


  19. Mohapatra, Smruti Sourava / Dey, Partha Pratim / Chandra, Satish (2016): Conflicting volume for U-turns at uncontrolled median openings. In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport, v. 169, n. 4 (August 2016).


  20. Kumar, Rajiv / Saboo, Nikhil / Kumar, Praveen / Chandra, Satish (2017): Effect of warm mix additives on creep and recovery response of conventional and polymer modified asphalt binders. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 138 (Mai 2017).


  21. Chandra, Satish / Rastogi, Rajat / Das, Vivek R. (2013): Descriptive and parametric analysis of pedestrian gap acceptance in mixed traffic conditions. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 18, n. 1 (November 2013).


  22. Mehar, Arpan / Chandra, Satish / Velmurugan, S. (2014): Highway capacity through vissim calibrated for mixed traffic conditions. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 18, n. 2 (Januar 2014).


  23. Chandra, Satish / Mehar, Arpan / Velmurugan, Senathipathi (2015): Effect of traffic composition on capacity of multilane highways. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 20, n. 5 (Oktober 2015).


  24. Habeeb, Haider / Chandra, Satish / Nashaat, Yassir (2014): Estimation of moisture damage and permanent deformation in asphalt mixture from aggregate gradation. In: KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, v. 18, n. 6 (August 2014).


  25. Biswas, Sabyasachi / Ghosh, Indrajit / Chandra, Satish (2017): Influence of signal countdown timer on efficiency and safety at signalized intersections. In: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revue canadienne de génie civil, v. 44, n. 4 (April 2017).


  26. Boora, Amardeep / Ghosh, Indrajit / Chandra, Satish (2017): Assessment of level of service measures for two-lane intercity highways under heterogeneous traffic conditions. In: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revue canadienne de génie civil, v. 44, n. 2 (Februar 2017).


  27. Mohan, Mithun / Chandra, Satish (2016): Concept of queue clearance rate for estimation of equivalency factors at priority junctions. In: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revue canadienne de génie civil, v. 43, n. 7 (Juli 2016).


  28. Ahmad, Abdullah / Rastogi, Rajat / Chandra, Satish (2015): Estimation of critical gap on a roundabout by minimizing the sum of absolute difference in accepted gap data. In: Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering / Revue canadienne de génie civil, v. 42, n. 12 (Dezember 2015).


  29. Behl, Ambika / Chandra, Satish (2017): Aging Characteristics of Warm-Mix Asphalt Binders. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 29, n. 10 (Oktober 2017).


  30. Kumar, Praveen / Chandra, Satish / Vishal, R. (2006): Comparative Study of Different Subbase Materials. In: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE), v. 18, n. 4 (August 2006).


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