- Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC: phase assemblage alterations and carbonation potential of mortar with blended cements induced by long duration carbonation exposure. In: Materials and Structures, v. 58, n. 2 (5 Februar 2025). (2025):
- Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC: outcomes of a round robin on the resistance to natural carbonation of Portland, Portland-fly ash and blast-furnace cements and its relation to accelerated carbonation. In: Materials and Structures, v. 57, n. 9 (10 Oktober 2024). (2024):
- Report of RILEM TC 267—TRM: Improvement and robustness study of lime mortar strength test for assessing reactivity of SCMs. In: Materials and Structures, v. 55, n. 3 (19 März 2022). (2022):
- Report of RILEM TC 281-CCC: outcomes of a round robin on the resistance to accelerated carbonation of Portland, Portland-fly ash and blast-furnace blended cements. In: Materials and Structures, v. 55, n. 3 (19 März 2022). (2022):
- (2020): Insight into the secondary imbibition rate of concrete and its relationship with curing time. In: RILEM Technical Letters, v. 5 (Juni 2020).
- Understanding the carbonation of concrete with supplementary cementitious materials: a critical review by RILEM TC 281-CCC. In: Materials and Structures, v. 53, n. 6 (16 Oktober 2020). (2020):
- Pore structure description of mortars containing ground granulated blast-furnace slag by mercury intrusion porosimetry and dynamic vapour sorption. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 145 (August 2017). (2017):