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Chinchón-Payá, S. / Aguado, A. / Nugterenc, H. W. / Chinchón, S. (2015): External sulfate attack in dam concretes with thaumasite formation. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 65, n. 317 (Februar 2015).
Cavalaro, S. H. P. / Carbonari, G. / Cansario, M. M. / Aguado, A. (2013): Experimental and analytical study about the compressive behavior of eps sandwich panels. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 63, n. 311 (September 2013).
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Blanco, A. / Pujadas, P. / Fernández, C. / Cavalaro, S. H. P. / Aguado, A. (2017): Eco-trench: a novel trench solution based on reusing excavated material and a finishing layer of expansive concrete. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 67, n. 328 (Oktober 2017).
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Faneca, G. / Ikumi, T. / Torrents, J. M. / Aguado, A. / Segura, I. (2020): Conductive concrete made from recycled carbon fibres for self-heating and de-icing applications in urban furniture. In: Materiales de Construccion, v. 70, n. 339 (Juli 2020).
Chinchón-Payá, S. / Aguado, A. / Chinchón, S. (2020): Ettringite dependace in thaumasite formation. In: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, v. 897 (August 2020).
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González-Ortega, M. A. / Cavalaro, S. H. P. / Rodriguez de Sensale, G. / Aguado, A. (2019): Durability of concrete with electric arc furnace slag aggregate. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 217 (August 2019).
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Espel, R. / Gómez, J. / Grima, R. / Aguado, A. (2009): La evolución de la construcción del Templo de la Sagrada Familia. In: Informes de la Construcción, v. 61, n. 516 (Dezember 2009).
Carbonari, G. / Cavalaro, S. H. P. / Cansario, M. M. / Aguado, A. (2012): Flexural behaviour of light-weight sandwich panels composed by concrete and EPS. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 35 (Oktober 2012).
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Pieralisi, R. / Cavalaro, S. H. P. / Aguado, A. (2015): Evolutionary lattice model for the compaction of pervious concrete in the fresh state. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 99 (November 2015).
Campos, A. / López, C. M. / Aguado, A. (2016): Diffusion–reaction model for the internal sulfate attack in concrete. In: Construction and Building Materials, v. 102 (Januar 2016).
Agulló, L. / Toralles-Carbonari, B. / Gettu, R. / Aguado, A. (1999): Fluidity of cement pastes with mineral admixtures and superplasticizer—A study based on the Marsh cone test. In: Materials and Structures, v. 32, n. 7 (August 1999).
Laranjeira, F. / Grünewald, S. / Walraven, J. / Blom, C. / Molins, C. / Aguado, A. (2011): Characterization of the orientation profile of steel fiber reinforced concrete. In: Materials and Structures, v. 44, n. 6 (Juli 2011).
Pardo-Bosch, F. / Aguado, A. (2017): Damage Diagnosis in Concrete Dams with Presented Expansive Damage Based on Medical Propaedeutics. In: Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), v. 31, n. 5 (Oktober 2017).