Tappan Zee Brücke
Fish, Richard (2009): Deck demands. Replacement of the deck on the outer lanes on the Tappan Zee Bridge in New York State is set for completion this year. In: Bridge Design & Engineering, v. 15, n. 57 (4. Quartal 2009), S. 78-79.
Mullen, W. G. (1958): Lightweight Concrete Deck or Tappan Zee Bridge. In: Journal of the American Concrete Institute (ACI Journal Proceedings), v. 55, n. 12 (Dezember 1958), S. 685-694.
Yassin, Ivor B. (1958): Les ponts du "New York Thruway": le viaduc soudé de Suffern et le pont de Tappan Zee, sur l'Hudson. In: La Technique des Travaux, v. 34, n. 1-2 (Januar 1958), S. 55-63.
White, Richard N. / Smith, Peter (2000): Rehabilitation of Tappan Zee Bridge Using Precast Concrete Composite Deck Units. In: Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, v. 1696, n. 1 (Januar 2000), S. 63-72.
Second phase Tappan Zee redecking kicks off. In: Bridge Update, n. 93 (Juli 2010), S. 2.