Smithfield Street Bridge
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Jones, Jenny (2011): Exhibiting Strength and Stablility: The Smithfield Street Bridge. In: Civil Engineering Magazine, v. 81, n. 5 (Mai 2011), S. 50-52.
Prade, Marcel (1990): Les grands ponts du monde: Hors d'Europe. Brissaud, Poitiers (Frankreich), S. 112.
Jackson, Donald C. (1984): Great American Bridges and Dams. A National Trust Guide. John Wiley & Sons, New York (USA), S. 151-152.
Buonopane, Stephen G. / Gasparini, Dario A. (2018): John A. Roebling's Allegheny Aqueduct and Smithfield Street Bridge: Nineteenth-century innovation in multi-span suspension bridges. Vorgetragen bei: 6th International Congress on Construction History (6ICCH 2018), July 9-13, 2018, Brussels, Belgium, S. 399-407.