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Bus terminals: Literature

The following provides a list of all the publications catalogued in Structurae that are relevant to this structure type.

  1. Schmid, G. (2017): Aarau Bus Terminal. In: Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, v. 58, n. 2 (June 2017), pp. 179-182.


  2. Koch, Philip / Staffa, Michael (2017): Bandstruktur als Charakteristikum. Überdachung des neuen Busbahnhofs in Weißenhorn. In: [ Umrisse ], n. 4 ( 2017), pp. 1317.
  3. Zietzschmann, Ernst (1991): Der Busbahnhof über den Geleisen des Stockholmer Hauptbahnhofs. In: Schweizer Ingenieur und Architekt, v. 109, n. 8 (21 February 1991).


  4. Novgorodsky, L. (1959): Le Centre de Tri postal mécanisé et la gare routière pour autobus de Bruxelles midi. In: La Technique des Travaux, v. 35, n. 3-4 (March 1959), pp. 80-96.
  5. Zhao, Rui / Zhou, Ling / Ma, Jinsheng (2018): CFD design of ventilation system for large underground bus terminal in Macau Barrier Gate. In: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, v. 179 (August 2018), pp. 1-13.
